flís tegund: ATMEL T5567 / T5577
Geymslurými: 330bitar
Tíðnisvið: 125KHz
Samskipti hraða: 9600skuldabréf
lestur fjarlægð: 3~ 10cm
Les / skrif skipti: 67Fröken
Vinnuhitastig: -20℃ ~ + 55 ℃
þrek: > 100,000 sinnum
Data Protection: > 10 ár
stærð: 86× 54 × 0.84mm eða viðskiptavina tilgreind stærð, Einnig er hægt að gera í non-staðall form, eða lykill keðja.
efni: PVC / PET / PETG / ABS, 0.13mm kopar vír
umbúðir ferli: PVC lagskiptar
Hotel access cards was called hotel room cards, generally use chip cards, by induction system card to open the door. Hotel key card chip General: contactless type: T5567 chip hotel room card, EM4469 chip hotel room cards; samband: SLE4442 chip hotel room cards. also useful magnetic stripe cards. According to lock readers decide what kind of chips. T5557 upgrade replaced the earlier E5550/E5551 chip, now upgraded replacement T5567. T5577 chips unique stable performance and encryption properties (multi-level authorization), T5577 contactless IC cards, anti-magnetic, anti-static, resistant to destructive and durability, good security, store higher data security (dulkóðun), data storage capacity, low cost equipment and system network environments. Mainly used for the induction card key, channel systems.
T5567/T5577 chip other applications: time and attendance systems, kennsl, eign kennsl, process control, bílastæði, flutningum, auðkenningu dýra, kennsl, iðnaðar sjálfvirkni, Fundurinn aðsókn, rafræn merki, stórmarkaðir, vöruhúsastjórnun, personnel management, security systems, etc.
SeabreezeRFID LTD. býður upp á frumstilling T5577 flísarkorts og dulkóðunarþjónustu.
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