RFID, alls staðar í heiminum.

Aðrir IOT vörur

» Aðrir IOT vörur

UHF Long-svið Tel Reader með langa handfangi, UHF Handheld Geymsla Bluetooth Reader, Rykþétt og vatnsþétt

Aðrir IOT vörur, UHF Reader , , , ,

vara líkan: RU3100

The UHF frequency band can be customized.
Can be customized to add one-dimensional code or two-dimensional code scanning hardware.
The sensing distance is up to 20 metrar.
Dustproof and waterproof design.

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lesandi flís: Impinj R2000
siðareglur: ISO 18000-6C / EPC Global Class1 Gen2
tíðni: 860~ 868MHz / 902 ~ 928MHz (er hægt að breyta í samræmi við mismunandi lönd eða svæði)
Antenna: Innbyggður-í línulegum skautað loftnet
Power: upp að + 30dBm (1 Watt), 1dBm eining stillanleg
Samskipti: blátönn, USB raunverulegur raðnúmer stilling tengi
Hleðslutæki Input máttur: AC 100 ~ 240V, 50~ 60Hz, framleiðsla máttur: DC5V / 2.0A
Hleðsla tengi: USB TypeC
LED vísir: RFID vísbending, Bluetooth vísbending, hleðsluvísirinn
rafhlaða: 18650 litíum-ion 3100 mA / klst endurhlaða rafhlöðu, 4.2V
Tag ID geymslu: 65,000 blöð
Lesa hlutfall: allt að 200 blöð / sek
Árangursrík fjarlægð: Typical árangri fjarlægð 20 metrar (skilvirk fjarlægð tengist merkja og vinnuumhverfi, lesa sement merki meira en 1 metra)
Strikamerki gerð: 1D leysir skönnun höfuð / 2D mynd skönnun höfuð
Einn-víddar númer: UPC / EAN, Code128, Code39, Code93, Code11, Fléttað 2 af 5, MSIDiscrete 2 af 5, Chines 2 af 5, Matrix 2of 5, andhverfa 1D, Codabar, GSI DataBar
QR code: PDF417, MicroPDF417, gögn Matrix(andhverfa), Maxicode,QR Code(andhverfa), Micro QR, Aztec(andhverfa)
vinna hitastig: -10℃ ~ + 55 ℃
Geymslu hiti: -20℃ ~ + 75 ℃
sýna: 1.3"White OLED LCD (128*64)
Takki: máttur hnappur, Scan hnappurinn, upp hnappur, niður hnappinn, F1 hnappinn, Veldu hnappinn
stærð: 262× 105 × 42mm
þyngd: 247g (með rafhlöðu)

The RU3100 Ultra-high Frequency Handheld Bluetooth Reader, built-in high-performance UHF module and linear polarized antenna, combined with proprietary efficient processing algorithms, enables fast read and write processing of electronic tags. Advanced Bluetooth connectivity, unique user-friendliness and industrial design make it an ideal choice for RFID applications such as asset management, inventory counting, product traceability and anti-counterfeiting systems.
The RU3100 can use USB or Bluetooth to communicate with smartphones, portable devices, computers and other devices for wired/wireless communication, transfer data.
Support secondary development, provide SDK development materials and technical support, and provide code examples for reference.

Aðalatriði UHF Handheld Geymsla Bluetooth Reader, UHF Long-distance Counting Machine, UHF Long-svið Tel Reader með langa handfangi, frá Seabreeze Smart Card Co Ltd.
Bluetooth wireless communication interface for the widest range of connectivity
Based on the R2000 design, it supports EPC CLASS1 G2-compliant electronic tags and excellent multi-label anti-collision function.
Operating frequency 902~928MHz (er hægt að breyta í samræmi við mismunandi lönd eða svæði)
Working in Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum(FHSS) or fixed frequency transmission
Output power up to 30dBm (stillanleg)
Built-in linearly polarized antenna with a typical reading distance of 20 metrar (skilvirk fjarlægð tengist merkja og vinnuumhverfi)
Data can be cached locally, no power loss
Label storage capacity up to 65,000 blöð
Ultra low power design with built-in high capacity lithium battery
3 sets of LEDs, innbyggður-í buzzer, built-in vibrator provide sound and light working status indication
Provide SDK development kit to support secondary development
Dustproof and waterproof design


Kannski þú vilt líka

  • Þjónusta okkar

    RFID / IOT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Armband / Keychain
    R / W Tæki
    RFID lausn
    OEM / ODM

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