Tæknilegar vísa
Tíðnisvið: 2.4GHz ~ 2.5GHz
Vinna stíl: virkur og óvirkur samsetning
Antenna breytu 1: hagnaður: 16dBi; Lárétt plan stærra breidd: 30°; Lóðrétt plan stærra breidd: 25°; Front-til-bak hlutfall: >25dB
Antenna breytu 2: standbylgjuhlut: <1.5; skautun átt: lóðrétt
Samskipti tengi ham: RS232, RS485, Wiegand, TCP / IP net tengi
Samskipti aðferð: virkur hamur (eftir lesandinn les tag, það sendir það til the gestgjafi tölva virkan)
The tæki hefur við stuðpúðakerfi getu 256 merki inni
RS232, RS485 samskipti hlutfall er hægt að setja af notanda
System kennsl fjarlægð: allt að 250 metrar; viðurkenning nákvæmni hlutfall: 99.999999%
Ýmsar framleiðsla gögn snið geta verið þróað í samræmi við kröfur notenda
vinna spennu: DC7.5 ~ 12V
vinna núverandi: < 200mA
vinna hitastig: -25℃ ~ + 75 ℃
Geymslu hiti: -40℃ ~ + 85 ℃
vinna raki: < 95%
búnaður stærð: 320× 200 × 100mm
búnaður þyngd: 2.0kg
pökkun stærð: 370X 250 x 150
Þyngd á eftir umbúðir: 2.5kg
The YY257AT model 2.45GHz directional active RFID reader is a high-performance active RFID reader developed with applications such as long read/write distance, high recognition accuracy and strong anti-collision capability. With TCP/IP network interface, Directional 2.45GHz active RFID integrated reader, fast reading speed, reading distance of up to 250 metrar, waterproof and dustproof, suitable for outdoor use.
uppbygging: The outer cover is made of high temperature resistant and low temperature resistant material. The main structure is made of aluminum alloy; it is equipped with mounting brackets, which can adjust the installation direction up and down and left and right
uppistaðan Reading and writing distance can reach 250 metrar, and the special label can reach up to kilometers Recognition accuracy: 99.999999% or more Strong anti-collision ability: read all 200 tags in 3 sekúndur Equipment working status indication Read tag is saved to the buffer After reading the tag, the user can be notified by indicator light, buzzer, status signal, relay output After reading the tag, it can be transmitted to the host computer through RS232, RS485, Wiegand 26/Wiegand 34/Wiegand 66, and TCP/IP network port Communication mode has active transmission and passive transmission
RS232, RS485 communication rate can be set Distance to read the tags can be set Interval between reading the same tags can be set Speed at which the tag is actively uploaded can be set External trigger reading tag information Ability to read device factory information Provide DEMO software, API functions, etc
Bílastæði, vehicle management Smart transportation Electric vehicle anti-theft system School student management
Eignastýring Warehousing, flutningastjórnun