paramèter technical utama chip IC: Atmel T5577 frekuensi apa: 125kHz kapasitas memori: 330 bit tingkat komunikasi: 9600 obligasi Maca / nulis wektu: 0.1ms mode Work: namung diwaca kadohan maca: 5~ 8cm kaping erasable: > 100000 kaping panyimpenan data: 10 taun Size:43Tiket 30 × 5mm utawa 50 × 30 × 5mm, utawa selaras digunakake suhu: -10℃ ~ 70 ℃ opsi werna: kuning, biru, abang,etc. Material: Nihan ABS, Welding ultrasonik Engineering
T5577 chip is the Atmel company produces the multi-function non-contact R/W identification integrated circuit, apply to LF 125KHz frequency range. T5577 chip is unique and stable performance, kinerja enkripsi sing apik (multilevel authorization), so it is mainly used for hotel door locks, akses kontrol, identity. T5577 chip is the upgrade version of T5557 / T5567 chip. The T5577 chip can set your own control password. T5577 Chip Keychain can be used in access control applications such as hotel, hospitals, shared homes, shops, and government offices. Inside the sealed RFID chip, the T5577 RFID keychain enables the application of automatic check-in/out procedure access control while capturing real-time information. Each RFID key chain generates a globally unique ID. Mulane, it is an ideal solution for automated check-in/check-out procedures in terms of security as it provides an efficient and reliable means of identification. Mulane, RFID keychains are a safe and good way to limit access rights. RFID keychains can be selected in different styles and colors, as well as custom pattern or LOGO printing and serial number printing.
fitur Penampilan cilik lan apik banget, awet, does not fade, water proof, corrosion proof. Can be hung on the keychain, gampang digawa. The identification is stable, strong penetrating power, fast sensing, and has a globally unique identification code. Macem-macem gaya lan warna sing bisa dipilih. Surface printable pattern, ID code, anti goresan, LOGO, etc.
aplikasi khas identifikasi, hotel smart door locks, water meters, akses kontrol, access systems, dining hall charge cards, parkiran, etc.