SHY-0200 Series Long-distance High Frequency Reader is high power reader products,volume small, solid shell, beautiful.Products using industrial-grade design, able to adapt to the low temperature, poor working conditions. The reader supports compliance with ISO/IEC15693 and ISO18000-3 standard RFID electronic tags from multiple vendors; this product faster processing speed, with good anti-collision ability to identify, recognize RFID tags at speeds up to 60pcs/sec.
This product can be customized for multiple antenna, 3 antennas, 4 antennas, 6 antennas and 8 antennas gate, especially suitable for access control time attendance channels.
The Long-distance reader can be widely used in books/archives management, production line management, jewelry inventory, token anti-counterfeiting, drug management and channel access control attendance, identification and inconvenient reading RFID card occasions.
Ძირითადი მახასიათებლები
Shell uses the high strength aluminum alloy and ABS engineering plastic seal
Working frequency is 13.56MHz, support ISO/IEC15693 and ISO18000-3 standard
მაქსიმალური სიმძლავრის: 1.5W
Product is stable, fast reading card, up to 60pcs per second
Long read distance, single antenna as far as 70cm, double antenna as far as 100cm
Integration of a variety of communication interface (RS232 / 485, ვიგანდი), convenient user for system integration
In combination with multiplexer, implement a reader to connect multiple antennas, reduce the cost of application
Integrated work a double color lamp, real-time understanding of module working condition
Provide DLL and demonstration software source code to facilitate further development
Typical application areas
Conference registration system
Quickly obstacle free passageway attendance System
Exhibition Center ticket System
Concert / game tickets management System
Home/school(student cards) management System
Articles/drug tracking management System
Asset Tracking Management System
Library Management System
Archives File Management System
Factory production line tracking and management System
Warehouse/Inventory Management System
Jewelry scan inventory/display systems analysis and decision
High-frequency Long-distance Reader Square Tray Antenna
The SHY-0200TX model Long-distance High-frequency Long-distance Reader Antenna supports compliance with ISO/IEC15693 standard multiple vendors reader and an electronic tag; with fast tag identification processing capability and good capacity for anti-conflict, identification of high speed electronic tags, using ABS plastic shell, გამძლეა; used in conjunction with medium/Long-distance reader can be used in many areas such as product identification, სამრეწველო ავტომატიზაცია, production tracking , ცხოველის იდენტიფიკაცია, library/archives to identify management
Antenna technical parameters
პროდუქტის მოდელი: SHY-0200T
სამუშაო სიხშირე: 13.56MHz
Supports standard: ISO / IEC 15693 and ISO/IEC 18000-3 სტანდარტული
Connecting interface: High School
მაქსიმალური მხარდაჭერა ძალა: 10W
ანტენა წინაღობა: 50Oh
Reading მანძილი (Max): single antenna 50cm-75cm
სამუშაო ტემპერატურა: -20℃ ~ + 60 ℃ (-4℉-+140℉)
Შენახვის ტემპერატურა: -25℃ ~ + 70 ℃ (-13℉-+158℉)
სამშენებლო მასალები: ABS engineering plastics
ზომა: L480mm×W400mm×H30mm
Shell ფერი: თეთრი
წონა: 1.5Კგ