The RU6210 model UHF Reader is a dual USB communication UHF read/write device developed by the Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd. It is designed to meet the user's card management in the background or in the management center. It has high sensitivity, 낮은 동작 전류, single-channel DC power supply, 저렴한 비용, and high performance. This product can read cards, write cards, authorization, 서식 및 기타 작업. It can be convenient for customers to achieve various types of virtual keyboard output; compact and beautiful, 가벼운 무게, 휴대하기 쉬운, USB 전원 공급 장치, read and write data is stable and reliable; fully support the ISO-18000-6C (EPC의 G2) 실험 계획안. Compatible with the standard Wiegand 26 / 갠드 34 상호 작용, compatible with a variety of protocols, and can be directly connected with the control device with the standard Wiegand 26, 갠드 34 상호 작용, without development, 사용하기 쉬운. Dual USB interface RU6210 model UHF reader has strong anti-interference. When a tag is read, only the tag that is awakened can communicate with the reader/writer, preventing interference from other tags outside the system, and ensuring reliable and accurate exchange of tag information between the reader and the system. The operating frequency uses Chinese standards (920~으로 925MHz), American standards (902~ 928MHz) or custom frequency hopping or fixed frequency work.
Two USB ports, 1. The left side is USB to serial port, the connection software to modify the parameters, to facilitate the development. 2. The right is virtual to keyboard input, can directly saved as WORD\EXCEL\TXT and other files, can read Wiegand and other formats.
Compatible with ISO 18000-6C and ISO 18000-6B protocols
Compatible with standard Wiegand 26 / 갠드 34 상호 작용
Low operating current, single DC supply
With 1 trigger signal input and 1 relay signal output
Integrated industrial design, waterproof sunscreen, 쉬운 설치
Provide SDK development kit, and provide C#, VC, VB development routines.
Provide DEMO software to automatic reading and writing the tags, very easy for customers to issue and write tags.
Software: Provides automatic card writing, card reading DEMO software, easy for customers to issue and write cards.
Development Kit: Provide SDK development kit, 기음#, VC, VB, 델파이, Java and other call routines, and WINCE, LINUX driver development.