Berdan: NXP Mifare 4K S70 Memory: 32Kbit, 32 partitions, her parçeyek du şîfre
Pircarînî: 13.56MHz
Pîvanên protokolê: IEC/ISO 14443 TypeA
Leza ragihandinê: 106Kboud
Dûrahiya xwendinê: 5~ 10 cm
Dema R / W: 1~ 2 ms
Germahiya xebatê: -20°C~+85°C
Berdewamî: >100,000 deman
Parastina daneyê: >10 sal
Mezinayî: CR80 85.5×54×0.80mm or non-standard size tag
Materials: PVC, TERŞÊ KEDÎ, PETG, ABS, Kaxez, 0.13mm Copper wire
pêvajoya hilberînê: Xetên nebatên otomatîkî yên Ultrasonîk, Welding Otomatîk
Mifare 4K S70 RF card using Philips(NXP)original MF1 IC S70 chip, in line with IEC/ISO 14443A air interface protocol. 4bytes or 7bytes UID, 4k data store, data is key protection. Its advanced data encryption and bidirectional password authentication system,compared with Mifare 1K S50 chip, which has a greater storage capacity, is the business card, pre-paid water meters, karta otobusê, highway fees, cîhê parkê, community management, delivery transportation card, parkan, roads and other preferred RFID products. Cards can be pre-factory high quality offset printing/silk screen,or personalize a small printer to print. Mifare 4K S70 Chip can provide white card, printed card, karta portreyê, tag, keychain, zend, label, hwd.
Serlêdan Enterprise/campus One Card Solution, karta otobusê, highway fees, cîhê parkê, district management.
Avantaja Pêşbazî:
Staff Staff;
Kalîteya hêja;
Bihayê çêtirîn;
Radestkirina bilez;
Kapasîteya mezin û cûrbecûr hilberên;
Fermana piçûk qebûl bikin;
Li gorî daxwaziya xerîdar hilberên ODM û OEM.