Cins: FS80
Berdan: Alien H3 and EM4102 Memory: 96bit/512bit
Protokola standard: ISO/IEC 18000-6C, EPC Class1 Gen2, ISO 18000-2
Pircarînî: 860~960MHz and 125KHz Reading and writing tool: reader and antenna UHF read distance: stable reading distance: >8M LF read distance: 0~ 10 cm
Berdewamî: >100,000 deman
Depokirina daneyan: 10 sal Card size: 85.5×54×0.84mm
Germahiya xebitandinê: -20~ ~+70 (-4℉~+158℉)
Materyalên pakkirinê: PVC / PET / PETG / ABS,hwd.
This is UHF+LF dual-frequency cards of EM4102 and Alien Higgs3 RFID inlay(AZ-9662) package together, can read both frequencies simultaneously. Using frequency-hopping mode, a super anti-interferenceg capability,the user can customize the read and write standards data, so that the efficiency of application system of specialized more quickly, reading from 8 meters or more. 1024bits memory capacity, the globally unique 64 bits ID number, ultra wide band design, Not only in accordance with the relevant provisions of the industry, but also for the development of flexible application, can simultaneously read multiple tags (heta 50 pieces/sec or more), not by the amount of work area tags constraints and the impact, LF EM4102 chips can be close identity management for personnel and goods. The TK4100 chip is fully compatible with the EM4102 chip, is the read-only RF chip.
Serlêdan Vehicle management Parking lot
Kontrola gihîştinê
Lojîstîk Residential area Supermarket Library Asset management
Nasname Personnel management
Avantaja Pêşbazî:
Staff Staff;
Kalîteya hêja;
Bihayê çêtirîn;
Radestkirina bilez;
Kapasîteya mezin û cûrbecûr hilberên;
Fermana piçûk qebûl bikin;
Li gorî daxwaziya xerîdar hilberên ODM û OEM.