IC chip parameters Standard protocol: ISO 15693, ISO 14443 TypeB, ISO 14443 TypeA version optional Carrier frequency: 13.56МГц Baud rate: 26kbps -ISO 15693,106kbps -ISO 14443B or 424kbps -ISO 14443B Anti collision: ISO 15693 50pcs/s; ISO 14443 100pcs/s Unique serial number: 64 бит EEPROM memory size: 2Kbit; 16Kbit; 32Kbit Memory organization: 8 byte each block Secure storage area: 65534 units Charging counter: 65535 жолу Password authentication: 64bit key length Key areas: credit card and debit key security page Read/write protection and authentication: yes One-time write area: yes EEPROM cycle: >100000 жолу
Маалыматтарды сактоо: >10 жыл
Иштөө температурасы: -40℃~+70℃
Карта өлчөмү Thin: 85.5×54×0,84мм
Стандарттык калыңдыгы Жука карта: 85.5×54×1,05мм Thickness: 85.5×54×1,80мм (with a portable hole) Card materials: PVC/PC/PET/PETG/ABS/PHA/Paper,жана башкалар
PicoPass RF IC chip is the French Inside Secure the development of a kind security chip, is a family of dual-standard contactless memory chips compliant with both ISO 14443B and ISO 15693 protocol standards. Dual standard enables to obtain higher communication speed at short distances using ISO 14443B or extended communication range using ISO 15693 in case data exchange speed is less important. It is automatically accept commands through the appropriate protocol standard.
An optional PicoPass/A version enables the chip to communicate using ISO 14443A standard only.
Product characteristics: PicoPass can communicate at up to 1.5m distance with a gate antenna and up to 70cm distance with a single antenna using ISO 15693 or at approximately 10cm using ISO 14443B or ISO 14443A standards. Fast anti-collision capability enables to treat multiple tags in the operating field.
PicoPass 2KS contains 2 kbits of non-volatile read/write memory including personalization area protected by a fuse. PicoPass 2KS employs cryptographic security for data protection and chip authentication. Two unique secret keys are used to protect two different applications or to manage crediting and debiting of a secure stored value area. Cryptographic security protections can be disabled during personalization phase.
PicoPass 16KS offers multi-application capabilities and/or extended data storage capabilities thanks to its 16 kbits of memory space. PicoPass 16KS can be configured as either PicoPass 2KS with a single extended application memory or as 8 fully independent PicoPass 2KS chips.
PicoPass 32KS contains simply 2 PicoPass 16KS chips integrated on the same silicon.
Features ISO 14443B and ISO 15693 with auto-detection, optional ISO 14443A Operating range up to 1.5m Communication speed up to 424kbps
32k, 16k or 2k bits of EEPROM versions Write-once memory space for personalization data protection Multi-application mapping: чейин 16 applications of 2k bits Independent credit and debit secret keys for each application Authentication using INSIDE's proprietary cryptographic algorithm PowerGuard anti-tearing function Fast anti-collision management: чейин 100 chips/second Compliant with other PicoTag family Personalization kits available
Applications Multi-application cards, Кирүүнү башкаруу, Mass transit, ID cards, One card solution, Passports, Border control, Company employees cards, Биометрика, Payment, Health cards, City cards, Loyalty cards, жана башкалар.
Басып чыгаруу: Офсеттик басып чыгаруу, Patone сыя басып чыгаруу, Так түстүү басып чыгаруу, Silkscreen Printing, Термикалык басып чыгаруу, Ink-jet басып чыгаруу, Санарип басып чыгаруу.
Коопсуздук өзгөчөлүктөрү: Суу белгиси, Лазердик абляция, Голограмма/ОВД, UV сыя, Оптикалык өзгөрмө сыя, Жашыруун штрих-код/штрих-код маскасы, Graded Rainbow, Микротекст, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
Башкалар: IC чип маалыматтарын инициализациялоо/шифрлөө, Variable Data, Жекелештирилген магниттик тилке программаланган, Кол коюу панели, Штрихкод, Сериялык саны, Эмбоссация, DOD коду, NBS томпок коду, Өлүп кесүү.