T1 model Thermometer Smart Bracelet is a new generation of smart wearable device developed by Seabreeze SmartCard Co.,Ltd. It is fashion appearance, comfortable to wear and has complete functions. The embedded high-performance temperature sensor can measure body temperature with high accuracy, error < 0.3℃. Mat der Entwécklung vun Smart wearable Apparat Technologie, d'Applikatioun vu Smart Braceleten am Liewen vun de Leit gëtt ëmmer méi heefeg, an d'Funktiounen déi Smart Braceleten ubidden sinn ëmmer méi, wéi Häerzfrequenzmiessung, Kierpertemperaturmessung, Bluttdrock Detektioun,
ECG Signal Detektioun, Mikroprozessor, Display Modul a Lautsprecher, Sport Pedometer, Lafbunn, Wieder, Distanz, Wecker, call reminder and many other functions. Especially the recent raging of COVID-19 virus in the world has sounded the alarm for people's health and lifestyle. With the smart bracelet of the T1 thermometer, you can know your real-time body temperature and health data whether it is indoor aerobic exercise or outdoor exercise.