T5577 chip is also called ATA5577, is the Atmel company produces the multi-function non-contact R/W identification integrated circuit, apply to LF 125KHz frequency range. T5577 chip is unique and stable performance, good encryption performance (multilevel authorization), so it is mainly used for hotel door locks,Zougang Kontroll,Identitéit. T5577 chip is the upgrade version of T5557 and T5567 chip. T5577 thick card surface printable code, silk screen LOGO and pattern. Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd. gëtt T5577 Chip Kaart initialization an Dateverschlësselung Servicer.
typesch Applikatioun
Identifikatioun, hotel smart door lock, Meter, Zougang Kontroll, dining hall card, Parkplaz, etc.
kompetitiv Advantage:
erlieft Staff;
excellent Qualitéit;
beschte Präis;
fast Liwwerung;
Grouss Muecht an eng grouss Gamme vu Produiten;
Akzeptéieren kleng fir;
ODM an Equipment Produiten no Client senger Demande.