Suasmeninimo parinktys: RFID mikroschemos, RF dažnis, RF ryšio protokolas, dydis ir specifikacijos, storis, figūra(Kortelė / Etiketė arba Prelam Inlay), paviršiaus spausdinimo raštas/LOGO/QR kodas, lazerio numeris, duomenų rašymas, ir kiti specialūs gamybos procesai.
Pagrindiniai techniniai parametrai Neprivaloma IC mikroschemoje: EM4102, EM4200, Ti2048, T5577, M1S50/S70, Mfult10/ultC, ICODESLI / SLI-S / SLI-L / SLIX, MfDesfire2K/4k/8K, „MFPLUS2K / 4K“, FMl208(CPU), Ateivis H4, „Impinj M5“ ir kt. Atsako dažnis: 125KHz / 134.2KHz / 13.56MHz / 860 ~ 960MHz ryšio protokolas: ISO11784 / 11785, ISO 14443A / b, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6C / 6B dimensija: can be specified Kortelės medžiaga: PVC/PET/PETG/ABS/Polycarbonate/Paper, 0.13mm vario viela Inkapsuliacijos procesas: automatinė ultragarsinė automatinė augalų linija, liečiamas suvirinimas
HP0523 model RFID site inspection card is mainly used for site inspection, industrial park inspection and identity identification, the surface of the badge can be printed with color patterns and logos, numbers, ir tt,
and can be encapsulated with IC chips to identify the identity of the holder, the product size is usually 50×25mm, and other sizes can be customized. The RFID field inspection card is composed of a chip, an induction antenna, and is packaged in a card made of PVC, ABS, PET, PC and other materials, without exposed parts. The reading and writing process is to complete the reading and writing operation between the coupled resonant circuit and the reader through radio waves or contact points. RFID field inspection card is a passive body, when the reader reads and writes the card, the signal sent by the reader is composed of two parts: one is the power signal, which is received by the card and resonates with its own L/C, producing an instant energy to supply the chip to work. The other part is to combine data signals, command the chip to complete data modification, saugykla, ir tt, and return to the reader to complete a read and write operation. The data in the card can be stored for more than 10 metų.
Taikymo scenarijus Construction sites, road and bridge construction sites, industrial parks, prekybos centrai, viešbučiai, prekybos centrai, exhibitions, turistinių objektų, ir tt