RFID patrol location button is usually ABS shell, there are RFID chips, and filled epoxy resin, Хэт авианы гагнуурын. Product appearance small and exquisite, бат бөх, хатах, өндөр температур, усны хамгаалалт, шок, эсрэг зэврэлтийг. Anti-metal patrol tag is on the basis of the ordinary RFID patrol tag to add anti-metal function, so that the patrol tag can be mounted on metal objects, increase the sensing distance.
LF, ЭМС-ийн, UHF and other chips can be packaged on demand, composite package, the surface can print ID code, sequence number for patrolling, used in security inspection, trees, амьтад, хандалтын хяналтын, нийтийн тээвэр, зогсоол, identity certification, Attendance Management, хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, Тээврийн хэрэгслийн удирдлага, Equipment Identification, Логистик менежмент, Fixed Asset Management Product Identification, гэх мэт.
суулгалтын арга Can be embedded in the wall 1 см-ийн, covered with cement or other non-metallic materials, or nail nails on the surface. 3M sticker model can be glued to the surface of the object.