RFID, mana-mana di dunia.

Dikebumikan Tag / Cement Tag

» RFID Dedicated Tag » Dikebumikan Tag / Cement Tag

Tag Elektronik Simen RFID yang disesuaikan, Tag Elektronik Berkubur, Tag Elektronik Bawah Tanah, Teg Elektronik Khas Pra-Konkrit

Dikebumikan Tag / Cement Tag , , , , ,

model produk: BY6862

pilihan peribadi: material, size and shape, ketebalan, cip IC, LF / HF / UHF, pre-printed LOGO, corak, serial number or QR code on the surface.

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Parameter teknikal utama
piawaian protokol:
UHF ISO18000-6C (EPC C1 Gen2)
HF ISO14443A / B, ISO15693
LF ISO11784 / ISO11785
kekerapan operasi:
UHF 860-960MHz
HF 13.56MHz
LF 125khz / 134.2KHz
bahan: Teg elektronik eten simen + aluminium, atau PVC dan bahan-bahan lain
saiz: Φ139mm, ketebalan 9mm, Boleh disesuaikan
Suhu bekerja: -25℃ ~ + 85 ℃
perlindungan elektrostatik: ESD>1.5KV
Perlindungan alam sekitar: mematuhi RoHS
hayat perkhidmatan: >10 tahun (mencuci suhu tinggi)
jarak membaca:
UHF >8M (dalam persekitaran yang terbuka), >1M (ditutup dengan pasir kering), >65cm (dikebumikan di tanah)
HF / LF 2-5cm
ID menulis: Boleh diulangi 10000 kali

RFID Cement electronic tags made of special process, boleh terus dikebumikan tag simen permukaan jalan atau bawah tanah, is suitable for the underground cable, penutup lurang, paip bawah tanah dan aplikasi lain. Boleh digunakan untuk menandakan di dalam dinding atau tanah di bawah maklumat lokasi objek,teknologi juga boleh digunakan untuk membaca dan menulis fail simen konkrit pratuang,ia akan kekal dalam komponen konkrit secara kekal. This special tag will be the identification of the component and can be used as the E-Guide for the blind.Just use RFID reader around the land or surface scan, the tag can be found and read the corresponding information.The tags can be read in the water.ODM and OEM products according to customer's demand.

Application scenarios
1. When the oil (Hanya gunakan pembaca RFID untuk mengimbas di sekeliling permukaan untuk mencari tag dan membaca maklumat) pipeline buried in the ground cannot be accurately located;
2. When the sewer pipe is buried underground, it is impossible to accurately find out the specific location of the connected valve;
3. The pipeline buried in the wall cannot accurately locate the location of the connection point;
4. Tracking management of cement precast parts.

kaedah pemasangan
Insert the electronic tag into the cement or cement preform surface 2-3cm from the side surface before the concrete is solidified. The tag is able to work in any environment. Once the concrete has solidified, the tag will be kept in the component forever and work as the E-File of this component.

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  • Perkhidmatan kami

    RFID / IOT / Kawalan Akses
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kad / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    R / W Peranti
    RFID Penyelesaian
    OEM / ODM

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