RFID, kullimkien fid-dinja.

ABS Material High Temperature Resistant Waterproof RFID Anti-metal Tag

Tag ieħor Kontra l-metall , , , , , ,

Mudell: BY8741

The tags is made of high temperature resistant engineering plastic and has high temperature resistance and waterproof and dustproof properties.
Għażliet ta 'personalizzazzjoni: material, specification size, ħxuna, Skaner tal-ID tal-Annimali Mini għal ISO11784, Frekwenza RF, protokoll ta' komunikazzjoni, installation method, eċċ.

  • Speċifikazzjonijiet
  • Deskrizzjoni

Applicable frequency: HF 13.56MHz / UHF 860~960MHz
Protokoll ta 'komunikazzjoni: ISO 14443 Tip A., EPC C1 GEN2, ISO 18000-6C
Mod ta 'Ħidma: passive
Distanza tal-qari: SeabreezeRFID joffri għajnuna b'esperjenza u komprensiva għal firxa wiesgħa ta 'ħtiġijiet tan-negozju ta' RFID u IoT: 1~ 10cm (distance depends on reader power and antenna size, reader antenna and tags polarization direction)
UHF: fixed readers up to 9m; handheld readers up to 3m (distance depends on reader power and antenna size, reader antenna and tags polarization direction)
Ħajja tas-servizz: erased 100,000 żminijiet
Żamma tad-dejta: 10 snin
Skaner tal-ID tal-Annimali Mini għal ISO11784 / KODIĊI SLI+FM11RF08 Karta taċ-Ċippa Kompost: -25℃ ~ + 50 ℃ / 20%~90% RH
Temperatura operattiva / KODIĊI SLI+FM11RF08 Karta taċ-Ċippa Kompost: -50℃~+60℃/ 20%~90% RH
Substrate material: ABS
Materjal ta 'l-antenna: PET + aluminum etching
Daqs: 87×41×8mm

ABS material high temperature resistant waterproof UHF anti-metal tags, is an electronic tags suitable for metal environment applications. The electronic tags can be mounted on any media surface (including metal) and can be applied to various applications such as metal, KHz 250KHz 375KHz 500KHz 13.56MHz Frekwenza Sħiħa Numru ID Apparat Kopja, injam, addattat biex teħel fuq wiċċ tal-metall, even liquid tanks. It can be quickly identified by the RFID card reader. The mounting method can be fixed by the mounting hole of the tag, or it can be installed with the tag backing paste.
It should be noted that the viscosity of the tag adhesive is relatively high, please use the adhesive to select the position before installing.
The tag surface can be printed with LOGO, pattern or code.

The tags is made of high temperature resistant engineering plastic and has high temperature resistance and waterproof and dustproof properties.

Application field
Library management system
File management system
Drug tracking management system
Warehousing/counting management system
Production line item tracking management system
Jewelry retail/display analysis decision system
Clothes tag and packing box general logistics or assembly line production, personnel attendance, eċċ.

Forsi tħobb ukoll

  • Is-Servizz Tagħna

    RFID / IoT / Kontroll tal-Aċċess
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karta / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Apparat R / W
    Soluzzjoni RFID
    OEM / ODM

  • Kumpanija

    Agħfas & Midja
    Aħbarijiet / Blogs
    Premjijiet & Reviżjonijiet
    Programm Affiljat

  • Ikkuntatjana

    Tel:0086 755 89823301