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Ikkuntattja Chip Card

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Ikkuntattja AT88SC1608 Logic Encryption IC Card, Atmel AT88SC1608 Chip IC Card

Ikkuntattja Chip Card , , , , , , , ,

KODIĊI SLI+FM11RF08 Karta taċ-Ċippa Kompost: HJ930

Contact AT88SC1608 is a logic encryption chip with 8 application partitions.

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Parametri tekniċi ewlenin
Protokoll ta 'komunikazzjoni: ISO/IEC 7816-3
Clock frequency: 1MHz
Access time: 10Sinjorina(maximum)/page
Vultaġġ tax-xogħol: 2.7V ~ 5.5V
Storage space: 17,408 bits(2176 bytes)
Write/erase: 100,000 żminijiet
Ħażna tad-dejta: 100 snin
Temperatura operattiva: 0~+70°C
Daqs tal-karta: ISO standard card 85.6×54×0.86mm
Materjal tal-kard: PVC/ABS/PET/PETG/Polycarbonate
KHz 250KHz 375KHz 500KHz 13.56MHz Frekwenza Sħiħa Numru ID Apparat Kopja: 7KHz 250KHz 375KHz 500KHz 13.56MHz Frekwenza Sħiħa Numru ID Apparat Kopja

If AT88SC1604 has made some improvements on the basis of AT88SC1602 and AT24C16, then AT88SC1608 is a mature and stable leap of contact IC card, which can better reflect its advantages in multi-purpose card, and its security performance is strong. The read and write speed is fast and can be operated without first erasing.
The clock frequency of AT88SC1608 encryption card is 1MHz, and it supports page write mode (16 bytes/page).
In particular, the high security performance of the AT88SC1608 encryption card is outstanding. In addition to logical encryption, it also has high security authentication and anti-intercept tracking technology, 64-bit mutual authentication and authentication error counter, and error counts 8 żminijiet.
AT88SC1608 has 1 piece 128-byte setting area and 8 pieces 256-byte application partitions. Il- 8 areas can be combined freely. They are controlled by read passwords and write passwords (16 sets of passwords, 3 bytes kull wieħed), u 8 error counts.
AT88SC1608 has a total of 17,408 bits (2176 bytes) of storage space, of which 16K bits (2K bytes) are the application area, and the last 1K bits (128 bytes) are the setting area.

Stampar: Stampar Offset, Silkscreen Printing, Stampar termali, Stampar bil-ġett tal-linka, Stampar diġitali.
Karatteristiċi ta 'sigurtà: Filigrana, Ablazzjoni bil-lejżer, Ologramma / OVD, Linka UV, Linka Varjabbli Ottika, Barcode moħbi / Barcode mask, Qawsalla Gradata, Mikrotest.
Oħrajn: Inizjalizzazzjoni tad-data taċ-ċippa IC/Encryption, Data Varjabbli, Strixxa manjetika personalizzata programmata, Panew tal-firma, Barcode, Numru tas-serje, Intaljar, Kodiċi DOD, Kodiċi konvess NBS, Die-cut.

Forsi tħobb ukoll

  • Is-Servizz Tagħna

    RFID / IoT / Kontroll tal-Aċċess
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karta / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Apparat R / W
    Soluzzjoni RFID
    OEM / ODM

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