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Kontroll tal-Aċċess

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QR Code Access Control Converter, QR Code USB to Wiegand, QR Code RS232 to Wiegand, default output WG26/WG34

Kontroll tal-Aċċess , , , ,

Mudell: SMZ-711QW

Customizable Wiegand output format.

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QR Code RS232 to Wiegand Converter
Default baud rate: 9600.
The output of the scanning device must be an RS232 interface with communication parameters set to 9600/n/8/1 or 115200/n/8/1.
Default output: Wiegand 26/Wiegand 34.

QR Code USB to Wiegand Converter
The USB-Wiegand converter directly uses the 12V power supply of the access controller, and the USB scanner is connected to the USB jack of the converter for normal operation.
The scanned barcode and QR code must contain digital information and the end carriage return symbol. The standard USB-Wiegand converter can recognize up to 10 addattat biex teħel fuq wiċċ tal-metall, and the information such as letters and punctuation will be filtered out, such as after filteringhttp://abc12345.com%678are left, leaving only numbers “12345678”. Other input and output formats provide data customization.
The USB-Wiegand converter outputs the Wiegand34 signal by default, which is suitable for most access controller standards on the market. Other Wiegand formats provide data customization.
The connected USB device interface must be set to be compatible with the HID USB protocol. The normal USB QR code scanner, USB card reader, USB magnetic card swipe machine, USB barcode gun, USB keyboard, eċċ. can be recognized normally.
USB converter input power supply: 9-15V 50mA
USB converter output power supply: 5V 200mA
USB interface protocol: HID

Converter size: 75×41×30mm
Materjal tal-qoxra: ABS

Smartphones and QR code scanning devices are widely used. The use of dynamic or static QR codes as identification and online payment has become an indispensable application method in modern society. Scanning QR code opening as a new access control management method is also increasingly popular.
The traditional access control system generally adopts an ID/IC card read head with Wiegand output as an information reading device, and authorizes the card holder through the access control panel and the access control management software. The output of the scanning device is only a universal interface such as a USB keyboard and an RS232 interface. These interfaces are incompatible with the Wiegand interface of most access control boards, which makes it impossible to use these scanning devices to access the access control system. For this purpose, Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd develops the USB to Wiegand Converter and the RS232 to Wiegand Converter is used to connect the scanning device and the access control board, and the scanning method is used to open the door by a specific use method.

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    RFID / IoT / Kontroll tal-Aċċess
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karta / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Apparat R / W
    Soluzzjoni RFID
    OEM / ODM

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