Frekwenza tax-xogħol: 125KHz/13.56MHz/860~960MHz Chip: TK4100 (compatible with EM4102)/FM11RF08 (compatible with NXP MF1 S50) Protokoll ta 'komunikazzjoni: HF ISO 14443A Shell material: ABS Structure: a one-time seal wire + KODIĊI SLI+FM11RF08 Karta taċ-Ċippa Kompost + plastic embedded metal shell Size: 21×23×9mm/steel wire length <250mm,,steel wire diameter 1.5mm Read/write distance: < 6cm (according to the readers and application environment) Temperatura tax-xogħol: -20℃~+60℃ Storage temperature: -45℃~+85℃ Relative …
Materjal: ABS engineering plastics + reinforced steel wire RFID chip: Impinj J41, or specify Frequency: UHF 860~960MHz. Standard tal-Protokoll: EPC GEN2, ISO 18000-6C Read/write distance: 30cm (according to the read and write device) Tag size: 30×23×11mm, steel wire 280mm long, steel wire diameter 1.5mm Working temperature: -40℃~+100℃ Tensile strength: 250 KGF Colors: aħmar, KHz 250KHz 375KHz 500KHz 13.56MHz Frekwenza Sħiħa Numru ID Apparat Kopja, iswed, isfar, blu, other colors customizable …