RFID, kullimkien fid-dinja.

UHF Reader

» Ħardwer » UHF Reader

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Parametri tekniċi ewlenin
Working Frequency:902MHz-928MHz/865MHz-868MHz, or specify
Interface ProtocolEPC global UHF Class 1Gen 2/ISO 18000-6C
Distanza tal-qari:Sa 6 metri (aġġustabbli)/Sa 12 metri (aġġustabbli)
Interface tal-komunikazzjoni:Wiegand 26(Default)/Wiegand 34, Skaner tal-ID tal-Annimali Mini għal ISO11784
Working Voltage:9~12V DC
Working Current:150mA(Always read)
Multiple tags identification:<100 biċċiet
R/W mode: Aqra biss
Mod ta 'Ħidma:Always read(Default)/Trigger read
I/O InterfaceSupports external trigger
Maximum power consumption:<3W (RF output 26dBm, multiple tags), <2W (RF output 26dBm, sigle tags)
Temperatura tax-Xogħol:-20°C~+60°C
Shell Material
Antenna Panel: ABS Engineering Plastics; Back cover: Aluminum Shell

UZK101 Series Reader are a new generation of UHF RFID series products for Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd independent research and development of the long distance tag reader system in the personnel management, goods management and vehicle management. It is an upgraded version based on the original UZK101 Series Reader and has better performance.
The product uses the industry's most cost-effective UHF card reader chip, and the part of swing card adopts the module integrated design, making the product to meet the technical requirements of the parking lot. Meanwhile, the utility model has the advantages of stable reading performance, good consistency, low working current and temperature, long service life, and small external influence, and the product adopts the waterproof outer shell design.
This product has different models to meet the needs of users in different UHF bands. The European UHF frequency band(865MHz–868MHz) and the US UHF band(902MHz–928MHz), can also be customized for UHF bands in other countries and regions.
The product is also a fully meet the CE, FCC technology requirements of the product, and to obtain CE, FCC and other security certification.

Read range up to 12 metri (aġġustabbli)
Read Sensitivity: Line polarization read mode
Wiegand 26 Bit (Can change to 34 Bit via software)
Two working mode: Trigger read & Always read(Default)
Comes with the mounting plate
Weatherproof (IP66)
Maximum Cable Distance: 100m
Multiple label recognition

Magna tal-kopja tal-karta tal-identità ta 'frekwenza sħiħa adattata għall-ikkupjar ta' RFID Smart card
Underground garage
Vehicle management
Personnel management
Goods management


Forsi tħobb ukoll

  • Kategoriji tal-Prodott

  • Aqsam ma 'ħabib

  • Is-Servizz Tagħna

    RFID / IoT / Kontroll tal-Aċċess
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karta / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Apparat R / W
    Soluzzjoni RFID
    OEM / ODM

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