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» hardware » Module/Antenna

125KHz+13.56MHz Dual-band RFID Development Board, EM4095/RC522/RC523/RC531/RC632 Development Board

Module/Antenna , , , , , , ,

qauv: SM-LH74

Optional configuration
1. separate EM4095 module
2. separate RC522 or RC523 module
3. separate RC531 or RC632 module
4. EM4095+RC522 or RC523 module
5. EM4095+RC531 or RC632 module

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induction frequency: 125KHz and 13.56MHz
Communication method: SPI or UART can be selected
Ua hauj lwm voltage: 5V
Read rate: 847kbit/s
Sensing range: 13.56MHz maximum 10cm; 125KHz maximum 35cm
Kev kub thiab txias li cas: -20°C.+80°C
Module size: 74×42mm

SM-LH74 model 125KHz+13.56MHz Dual-frequency RFID Development Board is custom made developed by Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd. It is a low-cost, high-reliability contactless IC card reader module that supports dual-band RFID of 125KHz and 13.56MHz. The module has low power consumption and uses a soldered external antenna with a read range of up to 10cm. The power supply and interface circuit can quickly build a low-cost RFID identification system. It is suitable for complex application environments such as RFID identification, ID card, door lock access control, and electronic wallet.

Optional configuration
1. separate EM4095 module
2. separate RC522 or RC523 module
3. separate RC531 or RC632 module
4. EM4095+RC522 or RC523 module
5. EM4095+RC531 or RC632 module

EM4095 (125KHz) matching antenna inductance 345uH
The RC632 multi-protocol card reader module can read and write various logical encryption cards, tag cards and CPU cards conforming to the ISO14443A, ISO14443B, and ISO15693 protocol standards.
The RC531 supports the 14443A/14443B protocol standard.
The RC522 supports the 14443A protocol standard.
The RC523 supports the 14443A/B protocol standard.

Module application
RFID identification, door lock access control, electronic wallet and other related industries.

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