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RFID TM Card, iButton, iB card, Patrol Personnel Information Button

RFID TM Card, iButton, iB card, Patrol Personnel Information Button

Ntaub: Stainless Steel or Soft Silicone (hand catenary) Khis: American DALLAS encryption, including DS1990A-F5, fully compatible with TM1990A-F5, i1990A. Average failure: normal use 1/100,000 times Manufacturer’s serial number: only global 64bit number System logic: 64bit password protection Storage: 8k bits RAM Card read: touch type Read and write features: can read write and encrypted R/W times: > 1.5 billion times

TM Card, Kov nco card, Khawm Cov Lus Qhia Txog Kev Khawm, iButton

TM Card, Kov nco card, Khawm Cov Lus Qhia Txog Kev Khawm, iButton

Ntaub: soft silicone (hand catenary) or Stainless steel Chip: American DALLAS encryption, including DS1990A-F5, fully compatible with TM1990A-F5, i1990A. Average failure: normal use 1/100,000 times Manufacturer’s serial number: only global 64bit number System logic: 64bit password protection Storage: 8k bits RAM Card read: touch type Read and write features: can read write and encrypted R/W times: > 1.5 billion times

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