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Wiegand 26 Long Distance Access Control Reader

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Wiegand 26 Long Distance Access Control Reader, RS485 Long-distance Parking Lot Reader

Wiegand 26 Long Distance Access Control Reader, RS485 Long-distance Parking Lot Reader

qauv: DC0272 series Operating Frequency: 125KHz Readable chip type: EM4102, EM4200, TK4100 chip and compatible with 125KHz ID chip, read-only 64bit Manchester code Communication Format: RS485, Wiegand 26 (WG26), other formats to be customized: TTL232, SYRIS485, RS232, ABA, Wiegand 34, Wiegand 42 Response speed: < 0.2s Read interval: < 0.5 seconds Power Specifications: +DC 12V, los yog kev tiv thaiv (Recommend using a

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