NTSHAI, qhov txhia chaw nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb.

Sticker/Anti Fake Label

» Sticker/Anti Fake Label

  • Qhia txog tej yam tshwj xeeb
  • Daim Ntawv Thov Kev Pab

Main technical parameters
Kev sib txuas lus: EPC C1G2, ISO18000-6C
Integrated chip: UCODE 7, impinj R6, E41, or specified
ua hauj lwm zaus: 860~960MHz, customizable LF/HF
Storage space: 128 Bits
Nyeem ntawv nyob deb li cas: 10~110cm (related to antenna size and reader power regulation and working environment)
Data validity period: 10 Xyoos
Erasable times: 100,000 Zaug
yam khoom loj npaum li cas: Custom
Optional fabric: transparent PET, self-adhesive, ntawv (PET substrate) + aluminum etch + self-adhesive (printable)

Unmanned supermarkets, unmanned retail supermarkets, commodity identification settlement, item identification, item management identification, logistics management, product traceability, commodity anti-counterfeiting.

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    Xuas Tel:0086 755 89823301
    Web site:www.seabreezerfid.com