chip: Alien H3
Størrelse: 80× 33mm eller kan tilpasses
Materiale: PVC
protokollstandard: EPC C1 GEN2 / ISO 18000-6C
Arbeide frekvens: 860~ 960MHz
EPC-koden: 96bit
bruker~~POS=TRUNC: 512bit
Lesing og skriving tid: 1~ 2ms
Les og skriv avstand: 6~ 8M (UHF Reader, P = 5w, 12DBI)
Lager temperatur: -25℃ ~ + 80 ℃(-13℉ ~ + 176 ℉)
Arbeidstemperatur: -25℃ ~ + 80 ℃(-13℉ ~ + 176 ℉)
Tørk nummer: >100,000 ganger
Oppbevaring: >10 år
RFID clothing tag is actually the brand clothing "ID-kort", each clothing has a unique code of clothing tag is like everyone has an ID card, people have an ID card is easy to manage, clothing with RFID electronic tag also has automated multi-part object management. RFID clothing tag can track real-time sales status, the apparel industry to solve the following problems:
1. Sales statistics
2. The counter sales automation.
3. A variety style clothing of sales analysis, timely replenishment of goods.
4. Counter with counter transfer for clothing.
5. Return clothing control.
6. Counter inventory and find the goods.
7. Account reconciliation.
8. Best-selling statistics, analysis of consumer preferences.
Egenskaper Multi-tag recognition High tag recognition sensitivity Linear polarization design with ultra-high read rates in specific directions
Høy sikkerhetsytelse, with the world's only unique identification code (TID code) Can roll packaging, in order to print their own Widely used in clothing tag, amusement park, concert tickets, train tickets and other fields
Liten størrelse, easy installation, varig, waterproof performance, widely used in various clothing, poser, footwear and other surfaces, the controlled target for the entire process, a full range of management
applikasjoner Archives Management, Apparel, Jewelry, High-grade Gift Anti-theft Management, Tobacco, Electricity Meters, Alcohol, Laundry Management, Shelving, Logistics Management, Small Cargo, Factory Goods Sorting Management, etc.
erfarne medarbeidere;
Utmerket kvalitet;
Beste pris;
Kjapp levering;
Stor kapasitet og et bredt spekter av produkter;
Godta liten rekkefølge;
ODM og OEM-produkter etter kundens behov.