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Controlul accesului

» Hardware » Controlul accesului

Wiegand interschimbarea Converter, Wiegand Wiegand diferite Modul de conversie Bit

Controlul accesului , , , , ,

Model: SMZ-711WW

Wiegand26/Wiegand32/Wiegand34/Wiegand35/Wiegand36/Wiegand37/Wiegand66 Different Bit Can be Interchanging.

  • Specificații
  • Descriere

parametrii de putere: 9~ 15V 30mA (de alimentare standard de alimentare de 12V, se poate utiliza în mod direct bord sursa de alimentare de control al accesului); WG-IN și alimentare WG-OUT sunt aceleași, nevoie doar de un singur terminal este conectat la electricitate.
dimensiune PCB: 65× 40.2 × 10mm

The Wiegand to Wiegand Different Bit Converter comes with two Wiegand interfaces for Wiegand input/output. One-way Wiegand input (WG-IN) and one-way Wiegand output (WG-OUT) are realized by single-chip control. Wiegand input and output support Wiegand26 and Wiegand34, if other Wiegand bit conversions, please provide data for customization.
Through the data conversion of the converter, it solves the compatibility problem of different manufacturers or brand access control card readers to access various access controllers, especially the connection between the access control card reader with special Wiegand output and the access control motherboard.

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    RFID / internetul obiectelor / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
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    Wristband / keychain
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    Soluție RFID
    OEM / ODM

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