EAS + UHF ڪپڙا مخالف چوري هارڊ ٽيگ, is 58KHz+UHF or 8.2MHz+UHF electronic tags, is a combination of anti-theft and management of super-hard tag, with EAS anti-theft alarm function, but also both have UHF tag management functions. The tag not only triggers the burglar alarm, but also sends back product information for the tracking management of clothing and other managed products. It complies with EPC C1G2 (ISO 18000-6C) standards and operates at 860-960MHz (worldwide availability). Each tag has a unique ID and stores user data. This tag can be recycled to save costs. There are black and white to choose from, if the quantity is large, you can customize the color. Tag surface printable pattern, لوگو, code and so on.
درخواستون All kinds of products from hardware to software, including sports products, retail and management of apparel, household products, food, beauty care products, footwear, hardware tools, toys, books, audiovisual products and consumer electronic products, وغيره, use the source tag.
مقابلي جو فائدو:
تجربيڪار اسٽاف;
تمام سٺو معيار;
بهترين قيمت;
تيز ترسيل;
وڏي گنجائش ۽ مصنوعات جو هڪ وسيع سلسلو;
ننڍڙو آرڊر قبول ڪريو;
ODM ۽ OEM پروڊڪٽس ڪسٽمر جي مطالبو موجب.