Základné technické parametre
Rozmery: 72.2× 69,0 × 14,5 mm
Compliance / Certifikácia:
EN60950 / IEC 60950, ISO 7816, USB Full Speed, Úroveň EMV 1 (Kontakt), PC / SC, CCID, EC, FCC, WEEE, RoHS 2, REACH, TAA (USA), J-LIS (Japonsko), VCCI (Japonsko), PBoC (Čína)
Microsoft® WHQL
Rozhranie: Plná rýchlosť USB 2.0
napájanie: Regulované 5V DC
napájací prúd: Max.50mA
Prevádzková teplota: 0° C do + 60 ° C
Frekvencia CLK: 4.8MHz
MTBF: 500,000 hod
Podpora Smart Card Interface: ISO 7816 Trieda A, B a C(5V,3V,1.8V)
Podpora operačného systému: windows, linux, Mac OS, Android, solaris
ACR39U Smart Card Reader ushers in new and modern technology to the world of smart card readers. This compact smart card reader brings together sophisticated technology and modern design to meet rigorous requirements of smart card–based applications. It also features a USB Full Speed interface and a smart card read/write speed of up to 600 kbps. Highly durable, ACR39U can last for 100,000 card insertion cycles. ACR39U also has various certifications, such as EMV 2000 úroveň 1 and PBOC, making it the ideal smart card reader for your e-Banking and e-Payment application needs.
It is fully compliant with PC/SC and CCID specifications, and supports various operating systems such as Windows, Linux and Mac. Dodatočne, ACR39U may be used on mobile devices running on the Android platform versions 3.1 a nad. With its sleek, stylish design and powerful core, the ACR39U is the ideal peripheral for your smart card applications.
1. Podporuje ISO 7816 Trieda A, B a C (5V, 3V, 1.8V) karty
2. Supports microprocessor cards with T=0 or T=1 protocol
3. Supports memory cards such as: Cards following the I2C bus protocol (free memory cards) with maximum 128 bytes page with capability, počítajúc do toho:
Atmel: AT24C01/02/04/08/16/32/64/128/256/512/1024 SGS-Thomson: ST14C02C, ST14C04C Gemplus: GFM1K, GFM2K, GFM4K, GFM8K Cards with intelligent 1k bytes EEPROM with write-protect function, počítajúc do toho: Infineon: SLE4418, SLE4428, SLE5518 and SLE5528 Cards with intelligent 256 bytes EEPROM with write-protect function, počítajúc do toho: Infineon: SLE4432, SLE4442, SLE5532 and SLE5542
4. Supports PPS (Protocol and Parameters Selection)
5. Features Short Circuit Protection
6. Prgramovacie prostredie aplikácií:
Podporuje PC / SC
Podporuje CT-API (cez obal na vrchu PC / SC)
e-Government Banking & Platba
elektronické zdravotníctvo
Zabezpečenie siete
Riadenie prístupu
Infraštruktúra verejného kľúča
e-peňaženka & Vernosť