Mifare Mini S20 Chip Cards is the most widely used Smart Cards of the Mifare technology platform in Hotel Door Cards & Access Control Solutions, complementing the offering in the low-cost segment with high security.
parametre Chip
13.56 MHz indukčné frekvencia
štandardný protokol IEC / ISO 14443A
320 byte EEPROM
Jedinečné sériové číslo (4 byte)
5 bezpečne oddelené sektory podporujúce viacerými aplikáciami:
5 sektory sa skladá z 4 bloky s dĺžkou 16 byte
2×48 bitové kľúče na sektor pre hierarchie kľúčov
Podmienky prístupu voľne konfigurovateľný na základe 2 Hierarchia key level
Počet jednotlivých operácií zápisu: 100,000 doba
uchovávanie údajov: 10 leta
parametre karty
veľkosť: Norma ISO karty L 85,6 x W x T 54 0.84(± 0,4)mm, alebo určiť veľkosť
materiál: PVC / ABS / PET / PETG / PHA, 0.13mm medený drôt
zapuzdrenie proces: automatické ultrazvukové automatická linka rastlina, touch zváranie
Mifare Mini S20 chip is tailored to applications that require only small memory size. It is ideal for access management or loyalty cards offering the same security features and file structure as Mifare 1K.
Mifare Mini S20 chip offers 320 bytes split into five sectors. For each of these card types, 16 bytes per sector are reserved for the keys and access conditions and can not normally be used for user data. Also, the very first 16 bytes contain the serial number of the card and certain other manufacturer data and are read only. That brings the net storage capacity of these cards down to 224 bytes for Mini.. They can be programmed for operations like reading, písanie, increasing value blocks, atď.
Mifare Mini S20 card is fundamentally just a memory storage device, where the memory is divided into segments and blocks with simple security mechanisms for access control. They are Application-specific integrated circuit ASIC based and have limited computational power. Thanks to their reliability and low cost, those cards are widely used for electronic wallet, Riadenie prístupu, corporate ID cards, transportation or stadium ticketing.
Mifare Mini S20 ISO Card is the most widely used Smart Cards of the Mifare technology platform in hotel key cards & Access Control solutions, complementing the offering in the low-cost segment with high security.
Mifare Mini S20 ISO Card operates according to the ISO /IEC 14443 A standard, allowing an operating distance of up to 10cm with true anti-collision support. Mifare Mini S20 is fully compatible with existing RFID Mifare infrastructure and can therefore be easily integrated in current contactless solutions for hotels and other access control solutions.
Mifare Mini S20 ISO Card with Mifare Mini S20 chip has the functions of Read-only lock, which enables it as a multi-functional IC chip with high confidentiality and it applies to the area such as Hotel Keycards, urban mass transit, billing payment card, data acquisition system and access control.
Key applications Access control solutions Hotel door card
Zamestnanecká karta Parking card
Konkurenčná výhoda:
skúsený tím;
vynikajúca kvalita;
Najlepšia cena;
Rýchla donáška;
Veľká kapacita a široký sortiment výrobkov;
Prijať malú objednávku;
ODM a OEM výrobky podľa priania zákazníka.