štandardné protokoly: ISO 14443, ISO 11784, ISO 11785, ISO 15693, ISO18000-6C
kmitočet: 125KHz, 134.2KHz, 13.56MHz, 860~ 960MHz
pracovný režim: R / W(ID je iba pre čítanie)
Pamäť: Model rozhodnutia založené na čipe
utrieť život: >100,000 doba
uchovávanie údajov: >10 leta
materiál: ABS / PPS / špeciálny PVC
pracovná teplota: -40℃ ~ + 85 ℃
skladovacia teplota: -45℃ ~ + 90 ℃
čítacia vzdialenosť: LF / HF 1 ~ 10 cm, UHF 0 ~ 5M(podľa konkrétneho aplikačného prostredia, výkon reader, Výstupný výkon a zisk antény, atď.)
veľkosť: BY2993: 36X 8 x 6 mm, BY2998: 41× 22 × 6mm, alebo prispôsobené
závažia: 1.4g
výkon ochrana: IP68
Ostatné funkcie: prispôsobiť
The RFID Nail Tag is made of a plastic case and a powerful RFID transponder. It is suitable for a wide range of applications, even harsh environments, requiring only a narrow space for placement. The internal structure is made up of a small cylindrical ferrite core and a copper wire antenna. As a low-frequency RF antenna, nail tag can be read in any direction. As a new application of RFID tags, RFID nail smart identification tags are made of special plastic materials and chip coils. They can be screwed into all kinds of wooden articles and have the functions of waterproof and chemical corrosion resistance. Depending on the specific application Different environment, but also choose different performance of the RFID chip. RFID Nail Tag waterproof, anti-humidity, antivibračné, corrosion prevention, applied to all kinds of instruments and equipment, parts and components, the bin management, electrical appliances furniture, agriculture and forestry wood identification, plant management, security inspection patrol, packaging tag, supply chain management, logistika, cargo tracking, atď.
Installation requirements: surface drilling, driving with a rubber hammer, suitable for installation in cement products, prefabricated parts, plastic products, wood and other non-metallic items.