Chip Type: Mifare MF0 IC U10
standardi: IEC / ISO 14443A
Delovna frekvenca: 13.56MHz
zmogljivosti za shranjevanje: 512 bit
branje na daljavo: 5cm bralec standardno namizje
vzdržljivost: >10,000 krat
branje čas: 1~ 2ms
Delovna temperatura: -20℃ ~ + 55 ℃
Čas hrambe podatkov: 5 let
Embalaža: PVC / ABS / PET / PETG / Papir, aluminijasta folija
velikost kartice: 85.5× 54 × 0,4 mm ± 0,80
Ultralight is a Mifare RF chip designed in a compact application mode. On the basis of streamlining chip memory, the electronic label of the chip package can be pressed into a thinner card, and the cost is more suitable for a short-distance and multi-site traffic system. Ultralight Simple can be called ULT, is also a NFC tag, Ultralight-C is an upgraded version of Ultralight. Cards or labels made with NXP MF0 IC U10 are ISO14443A compliant and offer white cards, printing cards, paper stickers, key chains, TOKEN, and come in a wide range of sizes and thin and thick cards. glavne vloge: nadzor dostopa, prisotnost, conference attendance, identifikacija, logistika, industrijske avtomatizacije, various membership cards, such as Shoufan, podzemna, bus token, clubs and other consumer electronics, electronic tickets, identifikacija živali, iskanje cilja, laundry management , Card and so on.
tipične aplikacije Subway tickets, city traffic cards, avtocesta cestnina, parkirni prostor, upravljanje skupnosti, sistemi za nadzor dostopa, vodomera predplačilne, campus card, etc.
Konkurenčna prednost:
izkušeni Osebje;
odlična kakovost;
najnižja cena;
Hitra dostava;
Velika zmogljivost in široko paleto izdelkov;
Sprejmi majhna, da;
ODM in OEM izdelke v skladu z zahtevo kupca.