RFID, povsod po svetu.
  • Tehnični podatki
  • Opis

Glavni tehnični parametri
komunikacijski protokol: ISO 15693 / ISO 18000-6C (EPC C1 GEN2)
Delovna frekvenca: HF 13.56MHz / UHF 840 ~ 960MHz
integriran čip: TI2048, ICODE 2, Alien Higgs3, etc. (lahko pakirani na zahtevo)
zmogljivosti za shranjevanje: 1K / 2k (lahko prilagodite)
Branje in pisanje na daljavo: 10cm-4m (meri glede na potrebe projekta)
Delovna temperatura: -25℃ ~ + 85 ℃
Material embalaže: PVC + 3M + epoksidna smola
Površinska obdelava: mehkega kristalno lepilo
samolepilna etiketa: 3M VHB pena lepilo
velikost izdelka: 26× 42mm,30× 50mm,40× 60mm,50× 35mm,86× 54mm, opcijsko z ali brez lukenj
način namestitve: neobvezno pasta / vijak / snop

The RFID electric power cable inspection tag is mainly designed with anti-metal absorbing technology, good RF sensing in metal environments. The RFID chip can store user-specified content and other updated information. It has the characteristics of anti-metal, bending resistance, high and low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and water resistance. The label is beautiful and generous, and it is easy to identify. Optional direct paste or bundle or screw fixing.
Tag surface can be customized according to customer's documents or design printed graphics LOGO or text.

glavna značilnost
Data and power supply is transmitted in a contactless manner (no battery power required)
Delovna razdalja: 10cm-4m (meri glede na potrebe projekta)
Delovna frekvenca: 13.56MHz / 840 ~ 960MHz (in line with industrial safety, the license is free to use worldwide)
True anti-collision: allows multiple tags to be read simultaneously
Support data encryption, each sector password is managed separately
Več kot 10 years of data retention
The erasing cycle is more than 100,000 krat
Each tag has an unchangeable unique identifier (serijska številka) that guarantees global uniqueness for each tag

področja uporabe
Urban construction facility management, municipal engineering, podzemna, underground pipelines, cylinders and power grids, hazardous chemicals management, smart cities, IoT applications, identifikacija izdelka, vehicle identification, fixed asset management, etc.


Morda vam je všeč tudi

  • Naša storitev

    RFID / internet stvari / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Zapestnica / Keychain
    R / W Naprava
    RFID Rešitev
    OEM / ODM

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