Long-term supply of UID and CUID chips. UID and CUID Clone Chip, you can modify the 0 sektorju 0 blok, you can modify the serial number, used for cloning access control cards and identification cards.
Ustreza ISO / IEC 14443 standardi TypeA
Brezkontaktne podatkov in prenos energije
Delovna frekvenca: 13.56MHz
Sporočilo hitrost prenosa: 106Kbit / s
Delo na daljavo: ne več kot 100 mm (povezana z anteno)
mehanizem proti trčenju
lokacija EEPROM pomnilnik 1K bajtov in je razdeljen na 16 sektorji. Vsak sektor je razdeljen na 4 bloki 16 bajtov vsaka.
Dostop do naprave za shranjevanje lahko prožno definiran s strani uporabnika v skladu z zahtevami
hramba podatkov: >10 let
podatkovni izbrisov: >100,000 krat
Triple vzajemni mehanizem za preverjanje pristnosti (ISO / IEC DIS9798-2)
Šifriranje vseh podatkov med komunikacijo
V sistemu z uporabo hierarhične ključ, obstajata dva ločena kompleta ključev na voljo za vsak sektor.
4-bajt edinstveno serijsko številko (po ISO / IEC 14443-3 Cascade Raven 1)
Delovna temperatura: -25℃ ~ + 70 ℃
The YY080 model UID chip is used to produce UID cards, which can be used to produce blank cards for copying. It is a Mifare 1K S50 card that can modify UID. The UID card can be changed to the 00 area, and the serial number can be modified. The ordinary IC card has been solidified by the manufacturer. zato, some IC card serial numbers used in the access control are used as identification cards, and UID chip cards are used for cloning access control cards and identification cards. The UID cloning chip can be made into CR80 standard size access control card, coin tag, mobile phone sticker, obesek za ključe, zapestnica, token and other shapes according to the project requirements. Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd has long supplied a large quantity of UID wafers and UID chips. As an RFID smart card manufacturer, we have the advantage of price and supply. We can provide wafers, which can be bundled into chips.
Product description We supply the YY080 model UID chip that conforms to the ISO/IEC 14443 TypeA protocol for contactless RF card chips. The chip has a storage capacity of 1K bytes, an operating frequency of 13.56MHz, and a working distance of no more than 10 cm. Supporting anti-collision function and triple mutual authentication mechanism, it is a multi-purpose low-cost non-contact RF card chip with high security and logic processing functions, which can be widely used in low-cost access control and identity card clone replication, javni prevoz, Various types of billing payment cards, access control and data acquisition systems.