Awoodda kaydinta: 2048 bit/256bit, 32 bit unique ID serial number
Inta jeer ee shaqaynaysa: 125KHz/134.2KHz
Hab maamuuska isgaarsiinta: ISO 11784/ISO11785 Read range: 2.5~10cm Read time: 1~2ms
Heerkulka shaqada: -20℃~+55℃
Dulqaadasho: 100,000 jeer
Haysashada xogta: >10 sanado
Cabir: 85.6x54x0.80mm Packaging materials: PVC/ABS/PET/PETG/Paper
HITAG 1/HITAG 2 chip is Philips company products, a low-power low-frequency radio RFID integrated circuits, the circuit is manufactured by the ITAG transponder ( or rf cards ) is mainly used in non-contact authentication,animal identification,and other fields. The HITAG 1 / HITAG 2 integrated circuit is a high-performance chip that duplexes data transmission in dual mode. The data is stored in a non-volatile sensor internal memory (EEPROM). The proximity card is used as a passive device. Sidaa darteed, no battery pack is required for power supply, and its power is taken to a part of the magnetic field energy of the RF carrier electromagnetic field generated by the reader/writer. Its data transmission is modulated by this RF carrier.
Awoodda kaydinta: 2048 bits for HITAG 1, 256 bits for HITAG 2. The Hitag 1/Hitag 2 tag tags needs to be read and written by a special reader.
Codsiga ugu muhiimsan Animal identification, livestock, asset tracking, xakamaynta gelitaanka, time and attendance systems, metrology, ski ticketing, electronic key, gas tank identification, process control, token, gaming and casino management, library management, airline baggage tags, bus prepaid card, highway tolls, parking lot card, identification card, logistics and distribution.