RFID, kudo në botë.

FM S70 Compatible Mifare Class 4K Card

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FM S70 Chip Card, Compatible me MF1 IC S70 Chip

FM S70 Chip Card, Compatible me MF1 IC S70 Chip

Chip Features Operating Frequency: 13.56Shpejtësia e Baudit MHz: 106Kbit/s Operating distance: jo më pak se 10cm (gjeometri antenë) Half-duplex communication Compliance with ISO/IEC 14443-A M1 standard encryption algorithm A typical transaction time: <100ms EEPROM: 40968bits × e qelizave të memories EEPROM 64 independent sectors with a security structure to support a variety of applications Access to the storage unit flexibly defined by the user

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    RFID / IOT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / Zbukurim / Label
    Manshetë / Keychain
    R / W Pajisja
    RFID Zgjidhja
    OEM / ODM

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