РФИД, свуда у свету.

ЛЕГИЦ АТЦ чип картица, ЛЕГИЦ Адвант Цард, Компатибилан са ИСО14443А, ИСО15693 Протоцол

ХФ чип картица , , , ,

Модел: H7070

Encrypted data transmission and encrypted data storage methods (AES 128/256 бајтова, 3DES, DES, LEGIC encryption) are specified for each application.

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Фреквенција: 13.56МХз
Writing life: >100000 пута (ATC4096-MP >500000 пута)
Складиштење података: 10 године (CTC4096-MP >20 године)
Величина: 85.6×54×0.84mm or custom 1.05/1.8mm thickness. Can also be used as a keyring, RF wristbands, NFC tag
Adapt temperature: -30℃-+70℃
Packaging materials: PVC/PET/ABS/PC/PETG/Paper, итд.

The LEGIC advant chip family offers a wide range of contactless logic encryption chips in compliance with the non-contact ISO14443 A and ISO 15693 application standards.
All types of chips have powerful security application management capabilities. From basic single applications to comprehensive "One Card Solutions", there are a variety of memory sizes and ISO standards to choose from. All chips use a common application interface.

Chip main feature
LEGIC's unique Master Token System Control TM is used in the chip to facilitate multi-card, secure system control and data control.
One card multi-function: plug-and-play multi-application, до 127 applications
Data segments and read/write permissions can be dynamically defined, assigning 16 bytes to 4096 bytes for each application
Sets system security & key management based on physical tokens (LEGIC Master Token System Control). A secure physical token prevents non-secure passwords and translates directly into system controls for system users.
Encrypted data transmission and encrypted data storage methods (AES 128/256 бајтова, 3DES, DES, LEGIC encryption) are specified for each application.
A unique chip ID (UID) is built into all LEGIC chips, and the LEGIC SafeID feature (authentication UID) is used to enhance confidence.
The hardware is certified by EAL4+CC (ATC4096).
Generic API: Provides a common API for all LEGIC advant cards for easy, timely and efficient design.

Chip main parameters
Advant ATC512-MP: 512 бајтова, ИСО 14443 A protocol
Advant ATC2048-MP: 2K bytes ISO 14443 A protocol, read distance max 10cm
Advent ATC4096-MP: 4K bytes ISO 14443 A protocol, read distance max 10cm
Advant ATC128-MV: 128 бајтова, ИСО 15693 protocol
Advant ATC256-MV: 256 бајтова, ИСО 15693 protocol
Advent ATC1024-MV: 1K bytes, ИСО 15693 protocol, read distance max 70cm
Advent CTC4096-MP: 1002/2984 бајтова, LEGIC RF-Standard/ISO 14443 A protocol

Главне примене
One Card Solution, school management, bus stored value card, highway toll, parking lot, community management. NFC applications complying with the 15693 protocol for mobile products, public transportation tickets, контрола приступа, идентификацију, biometrics, посећеност, electronic payment, print management and electronic ticketing, итд.

Штампање: Офсет штампа, Штампање Патоне мастилом, Штампање у спот боји, Сито штампа, Термичка штампа, Инк-јет штампање, Дигитална штампа.
Безбедносне функције: Водени жиг, Ласерска аблација, Холограм / ОВД, УВ мастило, Оптички променљиво мастило, Скривени бар код / ​​бар код маска, Градед Раинбов, Микро-текст, Гуиллоцхе, Hot stamping.
Други: Иницијализација/шифровање података ИЦ чипа, Подаци променљивих, Програмирана персонализована магнетна трака, Панел за потпис, Бар код, Серијски број, Искуцавање, ДОД код, Конвексни код НБС, Изрезан.

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