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Полупроводнички капацитет сакупљача отиска прста, Контрола приступа Читач отиска прста

Биометрија ,

Cost-effective fingerprint collection device, suitable for access control, attendance and identification.

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Напајање: ДЦ 5В
Радна струја: 120мА (typical value)
Peak current: 180мА
Fingerprint image input time: < 0.3 seconds
Matching methods: comparison method (1:1) / / / search method (1, N)
Features files: Features files: 256 бајтова / / / / Template files: 512 бајтова
Storing files: 500 pcs
Security level: 5 (from low to high: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
False Acceptance Rate (FAR): < 0.0001%
False Rejection Rate (FRR): < 1.0%
Search time: < 1.0 seconds (when 1:1000, average value)
Интерфејс: USB1.1
Working conditions: -40°C~+55°C, 85%РХ (Without condensation)
Storage conditions: -20°C~+45°C, 10%RH~85%RH (Without condensation)

SYT-R220 Semiconductor Capacitance Fingerprint Collector integrates image collection chip and fingerprint algorithm chip, accomplish fingerprint input, image processing, feature extraction, generate template, storage templates, fingerprints compare(1:1), or fingerprint search (1: N), and other functions. USB interface, through application software, can form identity fingerprint collection system, online fingerprints, fingerprint attendance machine, fingerprint on-line native protection system and fingerprint network login system, итд.
Обезбедите секундарни развојни комплет.
The Fingerprint Collector bottom base material zinc alloy, face panel material ABS engineering plastics; Fingerprint collection chip by the United States imported semiconductor collection chip.

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