Biasana dina sistem kontrol aksés, jumlah kartu 8-bit nyaeta wiegand26-bit kaluaran, jumlah kartu 10-bit nyaeta wiegand34-bit kaluaran.
Salaku conto, nyitak dina kartu:
0013961168 10-angka kartu bit,
213 02000 3+5 8-angka kartu bit.
10-angka kartu bit 0013961168, ngarobah kana héksadesimal téh 00 D5 07 D0.
8-angka kartu bit 213 02000, kahiji 3 angka 213 converted to hexadecimal is D5, the last five digits 02000 converted to hexadecimal is 07 D0.
Ku sabab kitu, the rules can be found: First, the 10-digit conversion to hexadecimal is 4 bait, the first byte does not need, the second byte is converted to the first 3 digits of the 8-bit card number, the third and fourth the bytes are converted together into the last 5 digits of the 8-bit card number.
Excel formula=(MOD(X,256*256))+(MOD(INT(X/(256*256)),256)*100000).
It can be seen from the above that the 10-bit card number in the access control attendance system can be converted into an 8-bit card number by an algorithm, and the 8-bit card number is difficult to restore to a 10-bit card number.
Most of the access control attendance systems developed and produced by Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd are compatible with wiegand26 and wiegand34, and the software can also freely choose 8-bit card number or 10-bit card number operation.