RFID, madhab di dunya.

BY2208 PCB Material Anti-metal Tag, FR4 Material Anti-metal Tag

PCB Anti logam Tag ,

The PCB material Anti-metal Tag attached to the metal read range than not attached to the metal read farther.

  • spésifikasi
  • Katerangan

model: BY2208
Protocol: EPC Global Class 1 Gen2, ISO 18000-6C
meulah: Impinj M4QT
prekuensi: 902~ 928MHz
panyimpenan: EPC 128bit,User Momery 496bit
Read/Write distance:
Handheld: >0.3M
Fixed: >1.0~2.5M
hawa gawe: -25℃ ~ + 85 ℃
rating IP: IP63
ukuran: 35×13×3.4mm
bahan: FR4
beurat: 4g
Advocate material FR4, surface color: hideung
metoda instalasi: 3M 300LSE, Double-sided adhesive or strong glue

Anti-metal tag is a special anti-magnetic absorbing material encapsulated electronic tags, to solve the label can not be attached to the metal surface to use the problem. Waterproof products, acid, alkali, anti tabrakan, can be used outdoors. The anti-metal tag attached to the metal read range than not attached to the metal read farther. PCB material (FR4 material) UHF anti-metal tag, read-only performance beyond or beyond its length about 10CM other tag. Moderate size, is one of the more widely used tag.

Optional specification size: diameter 10×3mm, diameter 20×1mm, 10×3.5×1mm, 12×4×1.6mm, 12×7×1.6mm, 12×7×2.5mm, 17×9×1.6mm, 22×8×2.5mm, 25×9×2.5mm, 18×8×2.5mm, 36×13×2.5mm, 40×10×2.5mm, 50× 20 × 3mm, 50× 25 × 1mm, 51×36×7mm, 52×13×2.5mm, 60×25×3.4mm, 79× 20 × 3mm, 80×12×3mm, 90×11×3mm, 95×25×3mm. Can customize the specification size.

Smooth surface, not because of the chip package brings bulge, reading distance farther.
Flexible and convenient installation, a magnet adsorption metal function.
High stability, hemat biaya, the surface can be pasted with any print or print label affixed to the surface can also be beautiful screen printing, personalized printing patterns, logo, kode jeung saterusna.

Test Data
Solvent Testing: Passes 95% Alcohol Test, Passes 92 Gasoline Wipe Test
test serelek: pass 200 meters drop test 1 meter high
High and low temperature alternating test: Passed
(High and low temperature alternating test conditions: -40℃ ~ + 85 ℃, accumulative 30 poé)

Prosés produksi séjén: surface laser printing number; chip EPC pre written; surface paint (can be waterproof and moistureproof mouldproof, used for outdoor); after the paint surface color pattern making

Management of warehouse shelves, management of storage and locomotive equipment, chassis management of IT facilities, management of large and medium-sized metal containers, power boxes, management of power facilities, management of office equipment and facilities with metal housings indoors, , Personnel inspection management, street lamps, traffic lights and other utilities management.


Kauntungan kalapa:
Staf anu ngalaman;
Kualitas alus teuing;
Harga pangsaéna;
Pangiriman gancang;
Kapasitas ageung sareng rupa-rupa produk;
Narima urutan leutik;
ODM sareng produk OEM numutkeun paménta konsumén.


Panginten anjeun ogé resep

  • Service kami

    RFID / IoT / Aksés Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kartu / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Sunda / W Alat
    RFID Solusi
    OEM / ODM

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