RFID, madhab di dunya.

Kartu Tipe / Lencana Lainnya

» RFID Card » Kartu Tipe / Lencana Lainnya

Siluman belang Card Magnetic, Transparan belang Card Magnetic

Kartu Tipe / Lencana Lainnya , , , , ,

modél produk: YP22034

Can make HiCo 2750 OE or LoCo-300 OE magnetic stripe plastic card, can also package RFID smart card chips.

  • spésifikasi
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  • Karajinan Aviable

parameter teknis
lalawanan gaya Coercive: HiCo)-2750 œ, LoCo-300 œ
lebar strip magnét: 12.5mm baku
Struktur Lapisan magnét: lapisan dipencet
hirup Service: > 2000 kali
suhu: 130± 10 ℃(266± 50 ℉)
tekenan: 1Mpa (9.8 kg / cm)
material: PVC / ABS / pepet / PETG / Paper,jsb.
ukuran::85.5× 54 × 0.76mm
radius fillet Base: 3.18± 0.3mm
beurat: 6.5g

The invisible magnetic stripe card is a high-tech magnetic stripe card that has been developed in recent years. The ordinary magnetic stripe card is to attach a magnetic strip on the surface of the cards. The color of the magnetic strip is generally black, and the invisible magnetic strip is invisible to the magnetic strip. Better protection of personal information, the card is more beautiful.
The invisible magnetic stripe card process is very high. Unlike the ordinary dominant magnetic stripe card, it first presses the magnetic strip on the white PVC material, then attaches a layer of silver oil, and finally attaches a layer of white oil to print the pattern. The technical requirements for the thickness of the oil are very high, it can't be too thick, it can't be ultra-thin, and the process precision is very high. This is a strict test for the process technology level of the card factory. Ku sabab kitu, the smart plastic card factory that can do this process in China is not many.
Invisible Magnetic Stripe Card can also package RFID chips into smart IC cards.


Kauntungan kalapa:
Staf anu ngalaman;
Kualitas alus teuing;
Harga pangsaéna;
Pangiriman gancang;
Kapasitas ageung sareng rupa-rupa produk;
Narima urutan leutik;
ODM sareng produk OEM numutkeun paménta konsumén.


pencitakan: Percetakan offset, Nyetak Silkscreen, Percetakan termal, Percetakan tinta-jet, Percetakan digital.
Fitur kaamanan: Watermark, Laser ablasi, Hologram / OVD, Tinta UV, Mangrup Variabel optik, Barkod disumputkeun / Barcode mask, Dipeunteun Pelangi, Téks mikro.
Anu sanésna: Inisialisasi data chip / Énkripsi, Garis magnét anu diprogram, Panel tandatangan, Kodeu barkod, Nomer séri, Embossing, Kodeu DOD, Kode cembung NBS, Paeh-teukteukan.

Panginten anjeun ogé resep

  • Service kami

    RFID / IoT / Aksés Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kartu / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Sunda / W Alat
    RFID Solusi
    OEM / ODM

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