Иқтидори хотира: 64bit, Танҳо барои хондан
Хусусиятҳои амният: global unique serial number
Истифодаи сиёҳии гузаронанда барои чопи мавҷгир ба ҷои усули анъанавӣ барои сохтани мавҷгир дар теги электронӣ арзиши истеҳсолии теги электронии RFID-ро коҳиш медиҳад: 125КГц Speed of communication: 106kbps Wipe the number: >100,000 маротиба
Invengo XC2901-FUF хонандаи дастии UHF: 10 сол
Хондан масофа: 2-15см
Ҳарорати корӣ: -20℃~+80℃ Packaging materials: PVC/PET/ABS,ва ғайра.
Андоза: 85.5×54мм
Ғафсӣ: Thick ID card: 1.8мм Standard thin card 0.88mm Non-standard size thin card: 1.05mm or other specified
China production of compatible EM4200 / EM4102 / EM4100 chips, technology parameters are the same in Swiss EM microelectronics company EM4200 wireless RF chips,the chips package technology advanced,can be used as a good solution and low cost for non-contact cards application.At the same time provide preferential service printing and suitable for the application environment of special-shaped cards. In China, the compatible chip has been used in radio frequency identification 75% market share. The compatible chip can be made into a Printable cards, Thickness cards, Брелок, Wristband, Bracelet, Crystal Epoxy Card as shape, so as to adapt to different applications and habits. The compatible EM4100 chip is more widely used in the field ofID Card Printer printable cardsand access control.
(EM4200 replacing EM4100, EM4102, EM4005, EM4105)
Барномаҳо Identity recognition, time and attendance systems, access control systems, property identification, process control, corporate card systems, таваққуфгоҳ, логистика, animal identification, шиносоӣ, identification of goods, industrial automation, meeting attendance, electronic tags, супермаркетҳо, warehouse management, personnel management , security systems, medical institutions and so on.
Афзалияти рақобатпазир:
Кормандони ботаҷриба;
Сифати аъло;
Беҳтарин нарх;
Расонидани зуд;
Иқтидори калон ва доираи васеи маҳсулот;
Фармоишро қабул кунед;
Маҳсулоти ODM ва OEM мувофиқи талаботҳои муштариён.