Wafer type: NXP Mifare 1K S50, TAU HAAPIIRAA 11RF08 (Fully compatible with NXP Mifare 1K S50) Storage capacity: 1KB, 8Tbit, 16 mau pāpā'ira'a, e piti ta'o huna na te pāpa'i tata'itahi(1KB=8Kbit)
Te pinepineraa o te tere: 13.56MDT Protocol Standard: ISO14443TypeA
Vitiviti o te haaparareraa mana'o: 106KBoud
Te atearaa o te tai'oraa: 2.5~10cm Reading time: 1-2ms
Faaoroma'i: > 100,000 te mau hora
Tape'araa i te mau haamaramaramaraa: >10 mau matahiti
Te anuvera o te ohipa : -20℃~+55℃
Materia tauihaa haapa'o i te tauihaa haapa: PET+Etching aluminum Card materials: Taata PVC, Pet, PetG, Parau papa'i Available inlay size: Φ23mm, 22.5×38mm, 40×40mm, 45×45mm, 25×75mm, 41×72.6mm, 45×76mm,te tahi atu â. Card dimensions: ISO standard card 85.6×54×0.84mm or custom
The electronic tag card is the PVC card product made in NXP Mifare 1 IC S50 or FM11Rf08 inlay package.
Te mau tuhaa taa ê: fast reading and writing speed, high sensitivity; Te mau haamau'araa, excellent performance and stability, good encryption, widely used in supply chain management, logistics and distribution, product certification, fixed asset inventory and tracking, baggage handling and tracking, item-level labeling And other fields. The RF chip can encrypt and write data. Can be packaged in a variety of materials, made into a variety of shape sizes.
Te mau faaohiparaa matarohia Corporate/campus One Card Solutions, Tareta o te peu maitai i haaputuhia, highway toll, vahi tape'araa pereoo, faatereraa i te huiraatira, Hi'opo'araa i te tereraa, parau ti'araa taata, Club membership management, supermarket membership card, bath, gym VIP card, te tahi atu â.
Te tata'uraa:
Te mau rave ohipa aravihi;
Maitai maitai;
Moni maitai roa a'e;
Haponoraa haapaeraa maa;
Te faito rahi e te mau tau hamaniraa rau;
Farii i te ana'iraa na'ina'i;
Te mau hamaniraa ODM e OEM mai te au i te aniraa a te hoani.
Nene'iraa: Faaô i te nene'iraa, Patone ink Printing, Te nene'iraa i te mau hoho'a, Nene'iraa o te hi'oraa tirita, Nene'iraa i te mahana ra, Te nene'iraa i te i'oa papa'i, Te nene'iraa na ni'a i te matini.
Te mau rave'a parururaa: Tapa'o pape, Te mau tii, Mau Taataa'toa/OVD, Hoho'a inita ODE, Inita o te mau mea o te ō'o, Tapo'i huna o te hoho'a huna/tapo'i o te hoho'a huna, Anuanua, Parau papa'i teata, Guilloche.
Vetahi ê: IC i te mau haamaramaramaraa no ni'a i te mau haamaramaramaraa i roto i te mau papa'iraa mo'a, Te mau haamaramaramaraa e nehenehe e taui, Papa'i i te mau rave'a ha'a apî, Tuhaa tuurimaraa, Ta'o o te ta'o, Numera ana'iraa, Te mau hoho'a embosing, Numera FAA'OHIPA, NBS convex code, Tapu-pohe-raa.