SpecificationAlgorithm: TE MAU NOTA(Te mau mana'o tauturu no te), RSA2048, SHA512, AESISO 7816 T=1 & ISO 14443 T=CL TypeA by defaultJava Card 3.0.4GP2.1.1(Implementation of Mapping Guidelines of Existing GP v2.1.1 Implementation on v2.2.1 A40CR Java Smart Card:Total NVM: 240 KBTotal RAM: 6 KBUser NVM: 72.8 KBUser RAM: 1.72 KBChip: Infineon SLE77CLFX2400PMChip Certification: CC EAL5+, EMVCo A22CR Java Smart Card:Total NVM: 400 KBTotal RAM: 8 KBUser NVM: 138.5 …