Asosiy texnik parametrlar
Ishlash chastotasi: 125KHz/134.2KHz optional
Protokol standartlari: ISO 11784/11785, Eksklyuziv g'oyalar va ehtiyojlaringizni qondirish uchun moslashtirilgan xizmatlarni ham taklif qilishi mumkin, HDX
O'qish masofasi: 12sm Bluetooth connection BLE: Support iOS, Android, Windows systems Battery capacity: 3000mAh Continuous working time: 16 SIM Cut bilan JAVA J2A040 chip kartasi LCD screen: 2.08 inches
Ishlash harorati: -10~+50°C Storage temperature: -20~+65°C Humidity: 90% Reading head waterproof grade: IPX5 Body waterproof rating: IPX3 Read head size: φ50mm Length: 45cm-120cm
Og'irligi: ≤0.3kg
DH28 model bluetooth stick animal tag reader is a livestock electronic tag reader launched by Seabreeze Smart Card Ltd. in response to domestic and international livestock management information requirements.
The bluetooth RFID card reader is mainly used to read radio frequency animal tags, through Bluetooth technology can be used with iOS or Android platform for mobile devices to do data transmission, the reader with a 3000mA rechargeable lithium battery, long standby time, small size, portability, according to different types of card reader function can read different RFID RF card.
Ilova Power, Animal husbandry, livestock, Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd kompaniyasidan, logistika, transportation and other industries mobile patrol card reader, personnel management, identification, asset management.