Model: BY1204 Protocol: EPC global klassi 1 Gen2, ISO 18000-6C
Chip: Spinyj M4qt
Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd kompaniyasidan: 902~928 MGts Storage: EPC 128 bit,User Momery 496bit Read/Write distance:
Qo'lda: >0.3M Fixed: >1.0~2.0M
Ishlash harorati: -25℃ ~+85
IP reytingi: IP63
Hajmi: 10×3,5×1mm, 12×4×1,6 mm
Materiallar: PCB elektron platasi, FR4
Og'irligi: 0.5 Advocate material FR4, sirt rangi: qora Installation method: 3M 300LSE, Double-sided adhesive or strong glue
Anti-metal tag is a special anti-magnetic absorbing material encapsulated electronic tags, to solve the label can not be attached to the metal surface to use the problem. Waterproof products, acid, alkali, to'qnashuvga qarshi, can be used outdoors. The anti-metal tag attached to the metal read range than not attached to the metal read farther. PCB material (FR4 material) UHF anti-metal tag, read-only performance beyond or beyond its length about 10CM other tag. Moderate size, is one of the more widely used tag. The Anti-metal tag comply with EPC C1G2 (ISO 18000-6C) standart, operating frequency is 860MHz~960MHz, can be used worldwide, including RFID chip will be stored unique identification and other update information.
Optional specification size: diametri 10 × 3 mm, diameter 20×1mm, 10×3,5×1mm, 12×4×1,6 mm, 12×7×1.6mm, 12×7×2.5mm, 17×9×1.6mm, 22×8×2.5mm, 25×9×2.5mm, 18×8×2.5mm, 36×13×2.5mm, 40×10×2.5mm, 50×20×3mm, 50×25×1mm, 51×36×7mm, 52×13×2.5mm, 60×25×3.4mm, 79×20×3mm, 80×12×3mm, 90×11×3mm, 95×25×3mm. Can customize the specification size.
Xususiyatlari Ultra-small size, reading distance farther. Flexible and convenient installation, a magnet adsorption metal function. High stability, samarali xarajat, the surface can be pasted any label with printed content. The surface can be laser printed patterns, LOGO, code and so on.
Test Data Solvent Testing: Passes 95% Alcohol Test, Passes 92 Gasoline Wipe Test Drop test: pass 200 meters drop test 1 meter high High and low temperature alternating test: Passed
(High and low temperature alternating test conditions: -40℃ ~+85, accumulative 30 days)
Other production processes: surface laser printing number; chip EPC pre written; surface paint (can be waterproof and moistureproof mouldproof, used for outdoor); after the paint surface color pattern making
Ilovalar Hardware tools, IT equipment, communication equipment metal shell, medical equipment, small valuables, Patrol officers management, production line management.
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