FM12 series CPU chip card some parameters Chip Type: Fudan FM12 seriyali (16K) (FM1208, FM1216, FM1232)
Protokol standartlari: ISO7816, ISO/IEC 14443A
Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd kompaniyasidan: 13.56MGts Sensing distance: 2~10 sm
Ishlash harorati: -25℃ ~+85 Storage temperature: -55℃~+125℃ Wipe life: > 100,000 marta Storage: > 10 yillar
Hajmi: ISO standarti CR80, L85,6 × W54 × T0,84(±0,4)mm
Materiallar: PVX / ABS / PET / PETG, 0.13mm mis sim
Kapsülleme jarayoni: automatic ultrasonic automatic plant line/touch welding
FM12 series CPU chip, is the Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Co., Ltd. designed single interface contactless CPU chip (FM1232 is contact and contactless dual interface), CPU instruction compatible Universal 8051 instruction, built-in hardware DES coprocessor, the data memory 8Kbyte EEPROM. Compatible with existing logic encryption cards. FM12 series CPU chips capacity 64K Byte EEPROM, large capacity can support a variety of applications, such as public transport settlement, micro-payments and other financial industries to achieve a multi-purpose card. Market targeting the social security contact cards, ESAM module and contactless and dual interface of public transportation, highways, and other small consumer and citizen card applications.Compatible FM11F08M, FM11RF08SH, FM11RF32M, FM11RF32SH series of contactless chip.
FM12 series CPU chip cards mainly include: FM1204, FM1208, FM1216, FM12CD32,etc.non-contact CPU cards and dual interface CPU card. Currently using a wide range of Fudan FM12 series CPU card type: FM1204M01/FM1204ASM01 compatible with Mifare,4k CPU card (4k CPU+1k M1), support DES algorithm, COS conform PBOC2.0 standards. FM1208-09 standard pure 8k CPU card (8k CPU), support DES algorithm, COS PBOC2.0 standards. FM1208-10/FM1208M01 compatible with Mifare, 8k CPU card(7k CPU+1k M1), support DES algorithm, COS conform PBOC2.0 standards. FM1208-23 compatible with Mifare S70 CPU card (4k CPU+4k M1), support DES algorithm, COS conform PBOC2.0 standards. FM1208-37/FM12AG08M01 compatible with Mifare, State Encryption Administration SM1 CPU card (7k CPU+1k M1), support DES algorithm, support State Encryption Administration SM1 algorithm, COS conform PBOC2.0 standards. FM1216-109 pure 16k CPU card (16k CPU), support DES algorithm, COS conform PBOC2.0 standards. FM1216-110 compatible with Mifare, 16k CPU card(15k CPU+1k M1), support DES algorithm, COS conform PBOC2.0 standards. FM1216-302 pure 16k dual interface CPU card (16k CPU), support DES algorithm, COS conform PBOC2.0 standards. FM12CD32-305, 32k dual interface CPU card (32k CPU), COS conform PBOC2.0 standard, contact interface support social security and borrowing, the contact interface support electronic cash, QPBOC. Many models.
FM12 series CPU chip specific parameters: Non-contact CPU card chip-FM1208 series Single interface contactless CPU card chips Support ISO 14443 A communication standard
8bit CPU cores DES encryption algorithm
8kbyte data EEPROM Bank card test center of a number of tests
2006.12 "PBOC2.0 electronic wallet/passbook" detection
2008.2 "random number generator random" detection
2009.8 "PBOC2.0 electronic wallet/passbook" detection
Double interface CPU card chips-FM1216 series
16 kbyte double interface CPU card chips Support ISO14443 A/B and ISO7816 protocol
8bit CPU cores Program memory: 64kbyte ROM
16 kbyte data EEPROM Support SSF33, DES, RSA encryption algorithm Compatible FM11RF08, FM11RF32, Mifare 1k S70 and other non-contact logic encryption card (some models) Third-party testing The first review by the State Encryption Administration and safety testing of dual interface card chips, State secret model "SSX0910 security chip ." Through the bank card test center "PBOC2.0 electronic wallet / electronic passbook" detection Through the China Information Security Certification Center EAL4+ Certification
Double interface CPU card chips-FM1232 series
32Kbyte CPU card chip dual interface Supports ISO14443 A/B (automatic switching) and ISO7816 protocol
8bit CPU cores Program memory: 64Kbyte ROM
32Kbyte data EEPROM Support SSF33, SM1, DES, ECC, RSA encryption algorithm Compatible FM11RF08, FM11RF32, Mifare 4k S70 and other non-contact part of the model logic encryption card Third-party testing Through bank Card Test Center "PBOC2.0 electronic wallet / electronic passbook " preflight Through bank Card Test Center "PBOC2.0 borrowing record, electronic cash, QPBOC" preflight
Good RFID Chip performance, the CPU Card can used in the Global, reduce your project costs, improve your project satisfaction rate.
Raqobat ustunligi:
Tajribali Xodimlar;
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Kichik buyurtmani qabul qiling;
Mijozning talabiga binoan ODM va OEM mahsulotlari.
Bosib chiqarish: Ofset bosib chiqarish, Patone siyoh bilan chop etish, Spot rangli chop etish, Silkscreen Printing, Termal bosib chiqarish, Ink-jet bosib chiqarish, Raqamli bosib chiqarish.
Xavfsizlik xususiyatlari: Suv belgisi, Lazerli ablasyon, Gologramma / OVD, UV siyoh, Optik o'zgaruvchan siyoh, Yashirin shtrix / shtrixli niqob, Baho kamalak, Mikro-matn, Guilloche.
Boshqalar: IC chip ma'lumotlarini ishga tushirish/shifrlash, O'zgaruvchan ma'lumotlar, Shaxsiylashtirilgan magnit chiziq dasturlashtirilgan, Imzo paneli, Shtrixli kod, Ishlab chiqarish raqami, Kabartma, DOD kodi, NBS qavariq kodi, Kesilgan.