RFID, dunyoning hamma joylarida.
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Hayvonlarni identifikatsiyalash

» Hayvonlarni identifikatsiyalash

RFID insonga implantatsiya qilingan bio-shisha naycha yorlig'i, NFC insonga implantatsiya qilingan bio-shisha naycha yorlig'i

Kategoriya va teglar:
Hayvonlarni identifikatsiyalash, Boshqa bag'ishlangan yorliq, Boshqa IOT mahsulotlari , , , , , ,

Mahsulot modeli: BG336

Moslashuvchan: Biosafety glass tube size specifications, IC chip model.

  • Texnik xususiyatlari
  • Tavsif

Asosiy texnik parametrlar
Chip type: EM4305, NTAG215I CODE or specify
Ishlash chastotasi (modulation): 125KHz/134.2KHz/13.56MHz
Protokol standartlari: Eksklyuziv g'oyalar va ehtiyojlaringizni qondirish uchun moslashtirilgan xizmatlarni ham taklif qilishi mumkin, ISO14443A/B, ISO 15693
Operating modes: read-write
Write times: > 1,000,000 marta
Work Experience: > 20 yillar
O'lchamlari: 2.12×12mm, 3×15mm,va boshqalar
Materiallar: biochemical coating coverage, bioactive glass(Bio glass 8625), anti-bacterial, anti-allergy
Encapsulation: Glass encapsulation
Anti-static: prevent electrostatic breakdown, pressure above 5000V
Ishlash harorati: -20℃ ~ + 50 ℃
Storage temperature: -40℃ ~ + 70 ℃
Maximum read range: 10~50mm
Power requirements: no

Implantatsiya qilingan RFID texnologiyasi tarixga ega 20 yillar, lekin RFID texnologiyasining o'zi o'nlab yillar davomida mavjud, which is usually considered as a safe enough technology.
After being implanted in the hand, foydalanuvchi bajarish uchun chipdan foydalanishi mumkin, aniqlash, eshikni ochish, settle accounts and other tasks.
Implantable RFID glass tube tag will not cause physiological rejection and infection. The tiny movement of the chip in the body will not cause damage. When the glass tube tag is implanted, the human body secretes collagen around the small glass tube and binds closely with the surrounding muscle tissue. In this way, not only the chip is protected, but also it will not cause physical harm to human body.
When a suitable RFID chip is packaged in this glass tube, it will become a new One-Card Solution integrating access control, credit card and work card. When this chip slightly larger than rice is implanted in the palm of employees, it will help employees avoid the dilemma of forgetting to bring their work card or credit card.
RFID implantable bio-glass tube tag is actually a miniature version of ordinary RF smart card. It is also passive, it has the same chip and coil as RF IC card (ISO15693 NFC Type 5 chip, 13.56MGts), which can replace NFC card based on RF. Masalan, in the application scenario of NFC access card, you can write the ID of your NFC access card into the glass tube tag. In this way, the glass tube tag realizes the entrance guard function, opens the door conveniently and quickly, and realizes the wish of waving to open the door.
With the continuous development of RFID chip technology, new IC chips with more functions have been developed, which also endows the bio-glass tube label which can be implanted into human body with more functions. Masalan, the application of JAVA CPU chip with higher security greatly expands the application range of RFID technology.


Ehtimol sizga ham yoqadi

  • Mahsulot toifalari

  • Do'stingizga ulashing

  • Bizning xizmatimiz

    RFID / IoT / Kirish nazorati
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karta / Tag / Inley / Label
    Bilaguzuk / Anahtarlık
    R / W qurilmasi
    RFID Qarori
    OEM / ODM

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    Biz haqimizda
    Matbuot & OAV
    Yangiliklar / Bloglar
    Ishga qabul qilish
    Mukofotlar & Sharhlar
    Hamkorlik dasturi

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    Tel:0086 755 89823301