Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd kompaniyasidan: 860~ 960 MGts International Protocol: EPC SINFI 1 GEN2, ISO 18000-6C
Ishlash harorati: -30℃~+60℃ Storage temperature: -40℃ ~ + 70 ℃ Mode of operation: R/W
O'qish masofasi: 1~6M (teg va o'quvchi antennasiga ko'ra)
Ma'lumotlar sig'imi: 96bit/512bit Wipe life: >100,000 marta Storage: >10 yillar
Materiallar: Stickers paper+PET+AL
Hajmi: PH40mm/36*20mm yoki moslashtirilgan
When the VOID Security Label is torn from the object surface, the preset security font (VOID) will remain on the surface of the object permanently, and the RFID antenna will break, the tag will be split and can not be recovered, said it was opened. RFID chip in the label is mainly used for object tracking traceability and retail security, warehouse inventory management. RF frequency can choose high frequency or UHF.
Product Features Tear up pre-designed font (VOID), play a security role. Font VOID logo clearly legible. Security fonts can customized, such as custom "OPENED". Patterns and font according to customer requirements make a special version. High security performance, with global unique identification code (TID code) Label size, rang, coding can customized, surface print pattern or LOGO four-color printing.
Ilova Suitable for once and only once used occasions, so as to achieve security, anti-theft, buzg'unchilikka qarshi, non-repudiation purposes. Such as: education, banking, finance, customs, va boshqalar., can also be used for high-end tobacco and alcohol, pharmaceuticals, kosmetika, electronics, communications products, packaging seal, security label, anti-counterfeiting label.
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