Soft Epoxy glue, suv o'tkazmaydigan; suvga chidamli. Can be firmly adhered to metal objects. Personalized options: hajmi, qalinligi, RF chastotasi, IC chipi.
Ishlash chastotasi: 125KHz/13,56MHz/860~960MHz Read and write distance: 0~10 sm (UHF tags according to size, there are differences)
Chip: LF: EM4102, TK4100, T5577
HF: MF1 S50/S70, SIM Cut bilan JAVA J2A040 chip kartasi, NTAG213/216, FM11RF08, Desfire, TI Tag, I CODE SLi-S
UHF: SIM Cut bilan JAVA J2A040 chip kartasi, impimj Monza4
Protokol standartlari: ISO 14443A, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6C Endurance times: 100,000 marta Data store: 10 yillar Inlay substrate material: UY HAYVONI
Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd kompaniyasidan: Etch aluminum/copper coil Wave absorbing material thickness: 0.2mm or 0.5mm Encapsulation materials: Crystal epoxy, ABS Adhesive material: 3M Adhesive
Hajmi: diameter 18mm, 25mm, 30mm, 35mm, va boshqalar. Thick 1.5mm or 3mm. Can customized
Circular small diameter anti-metal tag is a radio frequency anti-interference electromagnetic wave absorbing material and crystal epoxy or ABS material encapsulate produced LF, HF, UHF electronic tags developed by SeabreezeRFID Ltd., good quality performance, surface is covered with waterproof epoxy resin glue, suitable for use in the open-air power equipment inspection, inspection of the tower pylons, elevator inspection, pressure vessels, liquefied gas cylinder cylinders, plant equipment management, line inspection, metal bridge quality inspection, tunnel inspection, machine identification, vehicle license, metal container management , A variety of electric home appliances product tracking, tracking and management of various objects. Particularly suitable for small objects tracking management. Can be pasted directly in the seized object in the appropriate location for identification and tracking management.
Scope of application: Gas cylinders, tanks, vehicles number plate, machine identification, mold tracking, metal containers, such as the identification and management.
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