Response frequency: 125KHz/13,56MHz/860~960MHz
Standart: ISO 14443, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6C/6B
Chip: M1 IC S50/S70, MF ULT 10/ULT C, I CODE2 SLI/SLI-S/SLI-L/SLIX, MFDesfire2K/4k/8K, MFPLUS2K/4K, Ti2048, EM4200, EM4305, EM4450, EM4102, TK4100, T5577, CET5500, Hitagl, Hitag2, Hitaglar, FMl208(Markaziy protsessor), SIM Cut bilan JAVA J2A040 chip kartasi, Impinj M5 va boshqalar.
Hajmi: ISO7816 CR80 85.60×53.98×0.80mm or According to customer requirment
Asosiy fileto radiusi: 3.18±0,3 mm.
Kartoshka materiali: PVC/PET/PETG/ABS/Paper, 0.13mm mis sim
Kapsülleme jarayoni: avtomatik ultratovushli avtomatik zavod liniyasi, teginish payvandlash
UV printing technology is using UV ultraviolet ray ink to print out the stealth graphics,use black lamp light in the dark room immediately as you can see the bright fluorescent ink pattern, the color can be divided into red, pushti, ko'k, yashil, orange... Such as color. UV ultraviolet is English (Ultra-Violet Ray) abbreviation, traditional printing industry is refers to the UV printing quality effect craft, is above the pattern on a layer of light oil (light, matte, crystal Mosaic, golden onion powder,va boshqalar.), main is to achieve partial or whole UV printing effect, increase the product brightness and artistic effect, protect the product surface, high hardness, corrosion resistance of friction, not easy to scratch and so on, Some covering film product is changed to UV, can meet the environmental requirements, but the UV product not adhesive, some can only be addressed by local UV or polishing. Mainly is suitable for non absorptive materials printing, such as: Gold paper, silver cardboard, pearl paper, transparent stickers, plastik, PVX, PE, Lenticular, and so on. Application of UV printing is the printing industry the most important content. Packing depth of processing such as hot stamping, covering film, embossing, and variety of glazing applications already very common, special effects of glazing has become a trend. UV printing compared with the traditional offset printing with colorful, special materials, innovative products, wide prospect of market and other characteristics, suitable for high-end smart card, high-grade business cards, high-end commercial brochures, special label printing, anti-counterfeiting label and other areas of the product. UV printing effect cards embed RFID chips can also be made of RFID cards, achieve a variety of anti-counterfeiting security purposes.
Raqobat ustunligi:
Tajribali Xodimlar;
Zo'r sifat;
Eng yaxshi narx;
Tez yetkazib berish;
Katta quvvat va keng turdagi mahsulotlar;
Kichik buyurtmani qabul qiling;
Mijozning talabiga binoan ODM va OEM mahsulotlari.
Bosib chiqarish: Ofset bosib chiqarish, Patone siyoh bilan chop etish, Spot rangli chop etish, Silkscreen Printing, Termal bosib chiqarish, Ink-jet bosib chiqarish, Raqamli bosib chiqarish.
Xavfsizlik xususiyatlari: Suv belgisi, Lazerli ablasyon, Gologramma / OVD, UV siyoh, Optik o'zgaruvchan siyoh, Yashirin shtrix / shtrixli niqob, Baho kamalak, Mikro-matn, Guilloche, Issiq shtamplash.
Boshqalar: IC chip ma'lumotlarini ishga tushirish/shifrlash, O'zgaruvchan ma'lumotlar, Shaxsiylashtirilgan magnit chiziq dasturlashtirilgan, Imzo paneli, Shtrixli kod, Ishlab chiqarish raqami, Kabartma, DOD kodi, NBS qavariq kodi, Kesilgan.