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IKhadi le-TI ye-Chip ePhantsi, 134.2KHz TI Chip Card

Ikhadi le-EM / iKhadi le-LF , ,

Long-distance access control card complying with ISO 11784/11785 international standard protocol.

  • Ukucaciswa
  • KHz Animal ID Tag Reader

Chip manufacturer: OF (Texas Instruments)
Chip: OF (Texas Instruments), HDX (Half Duplex)
Rhoqo: 134.2kHz
Capacity: RI-TRP-R4FF, RI-TRP-R4FF-30, 64 Bit Read-Only
RI-TRP-W4FF, RI-TRP-W4FF-30, 80 Bit Read/Write
Agreement standards: ISO11784, ISO11785 Compliant
Imo yokusebenza: funda/bhala
Communication speed: 106KBoud
Read and write distance: 100i-cm
Erase life: 100,000 (amaxesha)
Ubushushu bokusebenza: -25°C~+50°C
Ubungakanani: 85.6×54×1.3mm
Izinto eziphathekayo: I-PVC
Ubunzima: 12 grams
Executive Standard: ISO 7810

Texas Instruments’LF Card transponders are providing superior performance and operate at a resonance frequency of 134.2kHz. Specific products are compliant to ISO/IEC 11784/11785 global open standards. Texas Instruments LF transponders are manufactured with TI’spatented tuning process to provide consistent read and write performance. Prior to delivery, the transponders undergo complete functional and parametric testing, in order to provide the high quality customers have come to expect from TI. The transponder is well suited for usage in a broad range of applications including, but not limited to, ulawulo lofikelelo, vehicle identification, container tracking, asset management and waste management applications.

Best in Class Performance Through Patented HDX Technology
Patented Transponder Tuning Provides Stable and High Read/Write Performance
64 Bit Read Only and 80 Bit Read/Write Types Are Available
ISO 11784/11785 Compliant
Insensitive to Almost All Non Metallic Materials
Ordinary long-distance Proximity cards

RFID identification systems, sensor systems, automation systems, industrial production, warehouse management, logistics management, asset tracking forklifts, manipulators, patrol inspection, anti-theft, pulse transponders, enterprise / campus card, Highway fees, parking, ulawulo lofikelelo, community management

Mhlawumbi nawe uthanda

  • Iindidi zeMveliso

  • Yabelana nomhlobo

  • Inkonzo yethu

    I-RFID / IoT / uLawulo loFikelelo
    LF / HF / UHF
    Ikhadi / iTag / Inlay / ilebheli
    IWristband / isitshixo
    R / W Isixhobo
    Isisombululo seRFID
    I-OEM / i-ODM

  • Inkampani

    Cinezela & Imidiya
    Iindaba / Iibhloko
    Amabhaso & Uphengululo
    Inkqubo yokuDibana

  • Qhagamshelana nathi

    Ifowuni:0086 755 89823301